The $150 a month goes to my parents to pay them back for half of her upkeep monthly. I don't touch it. Her medical insurance is $200 a month and $100 a month is roughly spent on diapers and such. $150 is half. I haven't filed for help from the government because I'm going to school and plan on being able to take care of her, with the help of her father, like a responsible adult. Her father DID sign the voluntary paternity because he knows he's the father. I flat out offered to do a paternity test if he thought otherwise and would still submit to one if he asked. Whether a court cares or NOT, I am taking care of my daughter by being a stay at home parent for the next few months. I also sit for my brothers son four days a week, which I'm paid for but doesn't go on "paper". On top of that I cook for my parents. Staying home with my daughter was NOT NOT NOT my idea. It was my PARENTS idea because they believe in having a parent present at all times in the beginning months of life and are well aware that if I was working AND attending school, they would be stuck with child care or the fathers parents would as NONE of us, including the father or his parents, are comfortable putting her in daycare at such a young age. Even the local churches daycare.
So, you know, go ahead and make whatever assumptions you like. The way I am handling childcare was agreed upon by EVERYONE involved and as much as her dad annoys the crap out of me, I still let him see her whenever he wants to because having two parents is more important then anything.
So, you know, go ahead and make whatever assumptions you like. The way I am handling childcare was agreed upon by EVERYONE involved and as much as her dad annoys the crap out of me, I still let him see her whenever he wants to because having two parents is more important then anything.