It's funny you mention that. I have a friend who is an EMT who complains about her sister who uses the ER like its a doc office, and I was sittign there listening to her vent one day about it, and how patients in her area (which actually is the same city my ex lives in) do that as well. I was sitting there agreeing with her about it all...and here I a dad, I can understand OP's position though. Mom had shown a lack of good judgement before and has shown to be secretive involving the children (the boyfriend thing) so when I heard blisters,I doubt I would go to the ER but I would have been on the phone with a doctor.
an ER is designed to deal with emrgency situations and unless there was a concern of this being the result of an injury (showers by herself, hot water, burns but I would think that an injury such as that would have resulted in screams that alerted mom) and not an illness unless there were signs of distress in other areas (breathing, consiousness, etc.) I would think a Dr.'s office appointment would be the proper and reasonable action. Most Dr.'s do have urgent appointments avaiable so she most likely could have been seen the next day or 2 at most.
If you do not have a close realtionship with this youngsters ped, make it so so you can call when such situations arise and can expect some reasonable direction from them.
I was panicked in that situation and my wits fell out. I see all of your points, and I really appreciate the help. Thanks folks!