I am also in CA. I will tell you why I " think " the teacher is telling you your daughter doesn't need any more than the after school program. ( The law could have changed since I fought this war. ) When I first started having troubles with my dyslexic son, I was told by everyone in the district, that he was fine and nothing additional needed to be done.
Once I started doing some research, my best friend was a Pediatric Neuro-Psychologist and she helped a lot. I found out that they tell everyone that. In CA, if a teacher, counselor etc. tells you your child needs something beyond the normal school curriculum. The district is then obligated to pay for it. School employees are VERY careful to not even make suggestion.
I agree with the posters who suggest finding a student tutor. A high school or college student could be very helpful and affordable. If you have a JC in your area, call and see if there is a board where you could look for tutors or even put up your own flyer. We had our son meet with his tutor in a study room at the library. They are glass and in a public place. I was also in the coffee shop across the street. Anyway, just think about a public place that is not too busy or loud. In this day and age, you don't really want a stranger in your home nor do you want to send a 7th grader to a stranger's home.
Even if you can afford it, stay away from Sylvan. PM me if you would like specifics.