Yes, I guess situations are different. If Dad isn't letting Mom know what's up w/ Jr., I can see that being a problem. When ever one of our kids go to the doc, whoever took them lets all other people who need to know what went on know about it. Even if we aren't speaking. It's just common sense.
I was just reading, and I'm already pissy (hey, my wife's outta town, and well . . . you know
), and some of the stuff just sounded petty. Like someone saying that if you take a kid to the ER, they won't treat him/her if it's a step that brought them. Ok, yeah, they're gonna let the poor kid bleed out on the waiting room floor.
The thing about calling bed-warmer mommy? Not cool. At all. My step-daughter will never call me daddy. Ever. My kids will never call my wife mommy. Ever.
And if it ever happened on either side, it would be nipped in the bud immediately.