My goodness, go away for a late lunch and things really pile up on you, don't they.
Ok. Let me see if I can answer all of your questions in the correct order:
It is not a mater of control. It is a mater of teaching my daughter right from wrong. Her father allows her to work at a school run daycare. That is illegal in this state. When I told him that it was illegal, he said I was just trying to make him look bad to our daughter and he would allow her to do as she pleases. Also, while she is working at this school run daycare, she is living with one of the daycare workers.
Things haven't been all good for twelve years either. Dad has made plenty of bad decisions that I have had to put a stop to, such as, allowing her at age 9 to be at home alone with her three year old brother while him and his wife are at work and Allowing her to be at home by herself and use a gas stove at the age of 8. He has also told her to lie to me about staying in a girls dorm room over night with one of his girlfriends. Dad is not the best decision maker. In the past, after speaking with him about these things and leaving it up to him to decide what to do, he has for the most part, come around to a conclusion that was best and safe for our daughter. I have had to step in on occassion and have my lawyer write him a letter stating the law in those situations before he would stop. So, I do believe that he should not have decision making power when it comes to our daughter.
I did not file for full custody. I filed for Joint physical custody with myself receiving domicilary and legal custody and her dad receiving visitation on any reasonable schedule that he chose. Dad was getting upset because due to her activities, during the summer, I was not always available to meet him exactly at 6pm. I would offer to meet him earlier, and well in advance, no less than a week, but he complained about it alot. I suggested that we just file and get a court order so there would nolonger be any confusion and his response was "fine". He now says he has a lawyer and his advice was to keep her until the hearing date before I decided to keep her from him.
I don't mind him seeing her and having any type of visitation the judge gives him and I will follow the order to the tee and work with him on special occassions such as his other two childrens and his families birthdays and special events, my daughter does care about him and I don't want to seperate them completely. I was not trying to take away his time. Just his ability to make decisions as to what happens in her life
other than the minor things.
After rereading this, it seems a bit confusing but I can't really explain it anyother way. Sorry.