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My child's Civil Rights are being violated.

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Junior Member
Nebraska. I am seeking any pertinent information on the process of filing a Federal Lawsuit against the State of Florida Department of Revenue for blatant refusal to enforce an out-of-state Child Support order over the past 10 years. We have the documentation & evidence of my state's enforcement agency & I having taken extraordinary steps to get them to reasonably pursue collection to little avail. They are in violation of Federal Law & my child has waited plenty long enough for them to do their job & enforce his rights!


Senior Member
Nebraska. I am seeking any pertinent information on the process of filing a Federal Lawsuit against the State of Florida Department of Revenue for blatant refusal to enforce an out-of-state Child Support order over the past 10 years. We have the documentation & evidence of my state's enforcement agency & I having taken extraordinary steps to get them to reasonably pursue collection to little avail. They are in violation of Federal Law & my child has waited plenty long enough for them to do their job & enforce his rights!
**A: you have a better chance to hiring your own attorney and going after the deadbeat spouse.


Senior Member
No civil rights are being violated. I agree with HG. Fighting the state will be very expensive, take tons of time and is not a sure thing. Better to go after the source.


Junior Member
I can appreciate that, HomeGuru, if the money itself was the end-goal. It is not, however. The total in arrears a whoafully small amount, due to pitiful laws on minimal child support in Nebraska. The point is that this same thing is STILL happening to thousands of children across the nation, despite years of enacting federal laws & 'revamping' the system. I am a woman who gives and expects high ethics. I teach my child the rules of life by my example. The point is to deliver a significant consequence to an agency that is responsible for doing a job that they are refusing to do because they believe they can ignore the law. No one can change the system if they dare not stand up to challenge it. I am just the woman to do that.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
I can appreciate that, HomeGuru, if the money itself was the end-goal. It is not, however. The total in arrears a whoafully small amount, due to pitiful laws on minimal child support in Nebraska. The point is that this same thing is STILL happening to thousands of children across the nation, despite years of enacting federal laws & 'revamping' the system. I am a woman who gives and expects high ethics. I teach my child the rules of life by my example. The point is to deliver a significant consequence to an agency that is responsible for doing a job that they are refusing to do because they believe they can ignore the law. No one can change the system if they dare not stand up to challenge it. I am just the woman to do that.
My BS meter just went way off the chart. The State of Florida is not the one who is ordered to pay CS. Lay blame where blame is due...on the father of the children!


Senior Member
My BS meter just went way off the chart. The State of Florida is not the one who is ordered to pay CS. Lay blame where blame is due...on the father of the children!
Although the state may not be the one ordered to pay the support, they ARE on the other hand the ones who are SUPPOSED to enforce the order. Its part of their jobs and its unfair to the thousands of parents in this state that their shoddy, EXTREMELY slow and disorganized system leaves so many going without. Whats the point of creating an order if the agency that creates it isnt going to enforce it???

(sorry, ive also been dealing with the Florida Child Support system for 2yrs now and havent recieved jack or squat because they just cant seem to get their acts together)


Junior Member
I have never claimed that the father's not responsible. Where in my posts did you read that insinuation? He's absolutely responsible for paying the Child Support.

The point is, he ran off to hide from his responsibility & the government agency that is suppose to be responsible for hunting him down at his KNOWN address & forcing him to pay up is not only being negligent in it's duty, it's outright REFUSING to do so.

You may think I'm full of it all you like. You haven't walked the mile in my shoes however.

If someone carelessly hits you with a car & you sustain a serious but treatable injury, you can be certain the person driving the car is to blame. And you have every right to pursue legal collection on that obligation. But the injury still needs to be treated, correct? But then, what if your insurance insists you be treated at a particular hospital (which is a common practice with insurance companies) & that hospital refuses to treat your injury, despite having the means, legal & ethical obligation to do so? So not only are you injured & forced to pay for treatment out of your own pocket at a different hospital; you may be left with a chronic injury directly as a result of the delay in treatment. Who then is to blame for the chronic nature of the injury?

My son has been financially deprived (injured) for 10 years. Yes I want his father to pay up. And I've done EVERYTHING I can reasonably do to make that happen. The point is that those who are suppose to help me are refusing to do so & they are also due some repercussions for their negligence.

THAT is the point.


Senior Member
I have never claimed that the father's not responsible. Where in my posts did you read that insinuation? He's absolutely responsible for paying the Child Support.

The point is, he ran off to hide from his responsibility & the government agency that is suppose to be responsible for hunting him down at his KNOWN address & forcing him to pay up is not only being negligent in it's duty, it's outright REFUSING to do so.

You may think I'm full of it all you like. You haven't walked the mile in my shoes however.

If someone carelessly hits you with a car & you sustain a serious but treatable injury, you can be certain the person driving the car is to blame. And you have every right to pursue legal collection on that obligation. But the injury still needs to be treated, correct? But then, what if your insurance insists you be treated at a particular hospital (which is a common practice with insurance companies) & that hospital refuses to treat your injury, despite having the means, legal & ethical obligation to do so? So not only are you injured & forced to pay for treatment out of your own pocket at a different hospital; you may be left with a chronic injury directly as a result of the delay in treatment. Who then is to blame for the chronic nature of the injury?

My son has been financially deprived (injured) for 10 years. Yes I want his father to pay up. And I've done EVERYTHING I can reasonably do to make that happen. The point is that those who are suppose to help me are refusing to do so & they are also due some repercussions for their negligence.

THAT is the point.
Although I genuinely feel your pain OP, honestly I do, your chances though of going up against the state on this issue are a shot in the dark. You would bankrupt yourself in fees before you ever saw the light of a courtroom. Have you tried to go through any other agencies for enforcement?


Senior Member
You may think I'm full of it all you like. You haven't walked the mile in my shoes however.
You ought to watch who you are speaking to. Zigner's exwife owes him SIX FIGURES in back support. Maybe YOU should walk 10 miles in his shoes before you want him to walk 1 in yours.
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Senior Member
You ought to watch who you are speaking to. Zigner's exwife owes him SIX FIGURES in back support. Maybe YOU should wake 10 miles in his shoes before you want him to walk 1 in yours.
Wow, are you serious!! :eek::eek::eek:

Geez, poor guy...some people are just in DESPERATE need of a tar and feathering :mad:


Junior Member
I'm sure he has his own hardship story to go with that. I'm sorry for that.

But I didn't come here for judgments on my incentives or even whether or not I've got the stamina to win such a case. I already know what I'm made of.

I'm here seeking information on the federal legal process & perhaps even leads on qualified attorneys with the gutts to handle my case.

My understanding from previous research is that I need an attorney who is qualified to practice in both Nebraska & Florida. As I've stated already, we have all the appropriate documentation & evidence to win such a case.

And yes, RRevak, I've been there & done that.


Junior Member
"Honey, go read the article from the sun-sentinel to see what you are dealing with. Florida is on the downslide of enforcement."

I did read it. Thank you very much for the lead. :)

Left a post in their forum also, with my email, in case anyone of the many other neglected custodial parents posting there are interested in joining me & perhaps pursuing a Class Action Suit.


Senior Member
I'm here seeking information on the federal legal process & perhaps even leads on qualified attorneys with the gutts to handle my case.
The information on the federal legal process is that you will not be able to prosecute a case of this complexity and origininality without a team of lawyers who are able to work for years with no realistic hope of a payoff.

Get over yourself. This is not a legal issue, but a political one. Talk to your congressman, to the newpaper and to the tv new editors. I don't think they will think it more important than Obama's dog, but you can try.

Stop wanting others to take up the (near) impossible because you know what you're made of.

Really. I'm not impressed. When we here of your name or of a big case out of Fl on this issue, then I'll be impressed. Until then, you are one of about 300 million Americans who have some grievance against the government. NEWS AT 11!

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