Lets review this. First of all no one asked me if he was employed while I was with him. Had you asked I would gladly have answered with a resounding YES, he was employed full time while we were together. At some point however he decided that he wasn't cut out to work... those are his exact words, he is cut out to make music.
Next, that's great how other families live in other societies outside of the US. But I live in the US, therefore I really don't give a hoot how others live in other countries, nor do I believe for a second that the court would care either.
I suppose this drama will end when it ends, but I prepared for a fight.
The bio dad never once said he didn't think he was the father. Infact he's accepted that he was this entire time. He just chose not to want anything to do with her until lately when he's not decided he wants to have her 50% of the time.
I find this simply ridiculous!