doesn't matter if you dont believe me. I dont' appreciate the bad people and the you disgust me comments since I'm only trying to make sure I can still support my family. I only asked a question on what I could do since the lawyer I contacted took forever to get back to me.
how is that possible? your first post was about not having to support your family (son, he's your family, you know)
Her family sent me emails saying they wanted me to give up my rights or die.
they're allowed to want a purple moon, doesn't meant they'll get it. and you don't have to accomodate them.
She sent me text messages and even left me a voicemail once saying she wanted to have her husband adopt landon...then changed her mind when she found out she wouldn't get child support.
she's legally allowed to change her mind. why she changed her mind isn't relevent. a judge will not force an adoption.
And I requested the files from the state for our previous changes (I didn't look at them before cuz I was stupid) and she's been claiming she's single even when she was married and in one instance (I lived in missouri and didn't call in) she lied and said she didn't get state aid for daycare when she does.
so, if she was single at the time? and what if she isn't married? what if there is no marriage certificate? have you seen the marriage certificate?
state aid huh? not working? not going to school? what documentation from the state do you have that says she's receiving state aid while not working AND married?
Have a good life everyone..i suppose no one will wish me good luck but I hope you all have some in your lives.
i'm more concerned about the affect this will have on your family. knowing daddy didn't love him enough but was willing to shell out money just to ignore him.