for them, the court order only said 80/20 that they agreed to and that's what they did (the every weekend thing) until their kids were in their teenage years and had other plans, and their dad was okay with that.
when we split, i agreed to 80/20 thinking i'd get the same thing when i moved back into the area.
how am i going to work up to being able to do homework with the kids and participating more if i'm not even allowed that time right now? i never would have agreed to her having legal custody if i knew i wouldn't be left out of making decisions. i told the judge that and he still denied the change.
I get why you're angry OP, I honestly do. That is a facet of the legal system i've always taken issue with. That divorces or ending relationships always tends to leave one parent a weekend warrior through no fault of their own while another parent ends up with the kids. I know its all the whole "best interest of the kids" etc but it still doesn't change the fact that when you step back and look at it objectively, its horse poo.
BUT, no matter how much issue you or I take with it its still what it is. You still have to deal with the hand you've been given at this point. Can it change later? Sure but it wont change by you nitpicking or creating issues where there are none. You need to back way up and try to just deal with what you have. Skype is good, phone calls are good, heck even write letters (my kids love getting mail from their family members and friends). There ARE ways of making the best of what you've got without complaining.
And you need to let go of the nonsense of your ex "robbing" you of a family etc. That's crap. She didn't want to be with you, nothing more. Does it stink? Yep, but its done. You either need to move on or get yourself into some form of therapy until you can. If you weren't around much while "finding yourself" then you need to recognize that you were a pivotal part in the relationship ending. If you still feel the need to figure out who you are, then now is that time while you have time away from the kids. If things change later on then you will be in a better position to give them the life you cannot right now. We can either make lemonade with our lives or vinegar.