The two of them consented, regardless of her age.... and yes he was VERY wrong. But none the less, she was not brutally and forcefully raped. I understand and agree with the the statuatory rape laws. I understand that due to her age the law considers this rape.
Legally she was not in a position to consent. Her "consent" is not a legal defense. We are not even talking about a situation that would be covered under any state's Romeo/Juliette law - he's more than 5 years older than her!
While she was not brutalized, as an adult, the onus is on him to keep it in his pants. If he were an honorable man, he would have waited until she was old enough to consent.
Dad is ‘young minded’, emotionally immature. I am taking that into consideration in this situation. Dad is not a pedafile who stalks little girls. He too is emotionally her age.
Moms parents nor myself would EVER protect a rapist. The two of them made a very bad choice. What’s done is done. What good will come out of sending dad to jail. Mom and baby will then have no husband nor father in their life.
It’s just horribly sad all the way around
No. This is not "emotionally immature" behavior. I have plenty of experience with what emotionally immature behavior looks like. "Emotionally immature " does not means going after younger people, it means being interested in relationships with people your age, but having no clue.
Even if you are "emotionally immature", if you have any brains, you realize when you turn 18 that "S***! They can try me as an adult!" if you persist in your "emotionally immature" illegal behavior(s).