I read up on establishing child paternity. Possibly the most rediculous feminist thing I've ever heard.
Actually it is not the most ridiculous feminist thing. the mother of the child is always known by virtue of it being the person who carries the child and engages in delivery. Men do not do that. There is always a question of that. The laws are established to determine who they are. If married, the husband is legally the father. If not married, the father has to be determined either by admission (affidavit of paternity confessing that he is the father) and/or paternity test. it is a physical and biological thing.
and for those who ask why I get my girl pregnant?
We were sleeping together, and she had a medical condition, where she would not be able to conceive. She does not go on her period, and had been like that for 5 years, then boom, the love of my life is born. **** happens, but I dont regret it. I wouldnt be the same without my son
Okay here is the part that you are missing. If you have sex you need to be prepared that you could have a child. The child would NOT have resulted without the sex. Hence, if you don't want to risk being a father then do not have sex. That is why that is said. Too many people come on this site griping about the mother/father of their child. How they are irresponsible, drug-users, abusive people, whatever and so forth. Well it does not matter. The long and the short of it is that if you can't stand that person you never should have had sex with them. But apparently you liked them enough to have sex with them so now the fact that you hate/dislike/are appalled by them, DOES NOT MATTER.
btw blondie, I can call my child my child. Why would I call him our child? either way he's my child. I dont give people assumptions that I'm with the baby's mother, so most of the time, I'll call him my child.
ohiogal, when I say I see him all day, that reflects after work. Sorry for the confusion.
Okay. Well when you say you see him all day, it is taken as you see him all day. Seeing him after work at least says you have a job. Which is good. Because you do have a child to support and at least you are responsible enough to do so.
btw, does living in a single house with 11 OTHER people count as harm for my son?
maybe 10 in a few months after one of them goes to prison as an accesory to murder.
No. That doesn't count as harm for your son. Now if these people are a direct harm (convicted child molestors/child abusers) or you can show that their actions are having a direct negative harmful impact (your child is left alone, neglected, constantly bruised/poisoned or other wise harmed) then you might have a case. But no. Having 11 people in the house is not in and of itself a bad thing. If one of them goes to prison as an accessory to murder, that doesn't show it. What shows it is if one of them is going away as accessory to murder of your child or even a child would be closer. Various cultures/ethnicities traditionally have a large groups living in the same house. That doesn't cause harm.
btw, I just used this calculator:
Child support calculator
CS= K [HN- (H%) (TN)], where:
CS is the amount of child support;
K is a factor of both parent's income allocated for child support. This varies depending upon the number of children to be supported;
HN is the high earner's net monthly disposable income;
H% is the high-earner's approximate time of physical responsibility for the child (children);
TN is the parties' combined total monthly net disposable income
with the use of our gross incomes, it shows that the mother will pay to me due to the fact that I take care of my child more often! The amount is very small, but better than me paying out what I do right now.