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3rd DUI in California, on a suspended license, oi!

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Junior Member
I live in Santa Cruz CA, I just got my 3rd DUI a month ago. My first was when I was 17. This time, I was arrested without a license, presented a fake and got caught, was driving someone elses car without insurance, etc. I'm still not even 21. I already had a warrant for my arrest because I haven't been paying fines on my last DUI, plus I never even got my license back since then. I also have been arrested for drunk in public recently. Anyways, I'm just curious, how long will I be in jail for? Will I go to jail? I didn't do any time for the DUI's before (but I did a week for the drunk in public). I'm being defended by the public defender here. Any ideas? How long does it usually take for sentencing? I got arrested about a month ago.


Senior Member
Sure you couldn't add anything else to the mix?
Obviously you haven't learned anything from all of this have you?
After you get out of jail, you will not get you license back for a lonnnnnng time.
Plan on walking everywhere. Plan on it being difficult to get jobs in the future, so hopefully your parents are wealthy and you can go home to live with them. Please don't ever dirnk or do any substances again, get into some sort of a rehab program and then AA. Get tattoed on your forehead the following phrase, have it done while you are sober, it will help,"Please don't sell or serve me alcohol or any intoxicating substance" That will take up about three lines in 16 pt font. make sure you get a crew cut so everyone can read it :D
I'm sure you will get lots of good advice from others so I'll save some for them :rolleyes:
Thank you rmet. I also live in Santa Cruz and am suddenly afraid to let my 11 year old ride his bike. Or my 16 year old with his brand new license drive. You are extremely lucky not to have hurt or killed someone or yourself. Take this as a HUGE wake up call and stop. And BTW I suspect you've only been CAUGHT three times. I can have my 23yo recommend a good tatoo parlor. :cool:


Junior Member
help me

thanks for the advice, i would really just like some info on what the facts are. since i got my first dui before i was 18, will i be able to get off the hook more?


Senior Member
youngalky said:
thanks for the advice, i would really just like some info on what the facts are. since i got my first dui before i was 18, will i be able to get off the hook more?
Like you actually think underage drinking isn't bad enough on foot let alone 3 underage DUIs driving on a suspended license, no insurance, you are lucky no one got hurt, do you think a learners permit is to learn how to break the law? Do you actually think that anyone here is going to aid and abet you, why even the people who normally come to the support of DUI have not come to your defense.
I was serious about the tatto.


Junior Member
well to be honest...

this information isn't based on my experiences, its my roommate, he doesn't know i'm posting it, and i'm just wondering when we should expect to see him off and for how long. he still drives everywhere, what would happen if he got pulled over, even sober? i'm pretty sure he has insurance, from what i understand mercury will insure anyone even if they don't have a license, but i might be wrong.


Junior Member

lol i wouldn't have given myself the name 'youngalky' if this was really about me. seriously though how long? 6 months? a year?


Senior Member
Your roomate is a menace to society. No, insurance will not insure you if you don't have a license. No he should not be driving without a license even sober.
If they pick him up again, they will take him to jail. The best thing you can do for your friend is to turn him in, honestly, nothing else is going to do it. Next time he is passed out write those words on his forhead with magic marker, (ok to use the watercolor type not permenant) that will get his attention. If you are at the university or community college, and in student housing, inform the RA. All this you can do anonymously, call the police the next time he drives off in the car, give them the license number. GET him off the street!!!


Senior Member
youngalky said:
lol i wouldn't have given myself the name 'youngalky' if this was really about me. seriously though how long? 6 months? a year?
A man in FL got 60 years for 3 DUI's/suspended license for life after murderings a young mother and her unborn baby, with his car. It could be that bad if he kills someone, it is only a matter of time before something happens, your friend is sick.


Senior Member
youngalky said:
this information isn't based on my experiences, its my roommate, he doesn't know i'm posting it,
It's your roommate?

So, this little gem was just a slip of the keyboard: "since i got my first dui before i was 18, will i be able to get off the hook more?"


Anyway ... for whoever it is, they face jail time. They face enhanced penalties for the repeat offense, and could even conceivably go to prison ... not likely, but possible.

I hope the owner of the car likes having his car towed and impounded ... and with any luck it was for 30 days. That's about $1,000 out of the car owner's pocket.

You are a menace. Stop drinking and driving before you kill someone.

- Carl


Junior Member
don't know who's car it was

i guess it was someone he didn't really know. funny thing is while he was on the way to jail, they pulled over someone else i know for a dui. anyways, i've heard that minors get treated worse for dui's than people of age, but he claims not, that he's going to only get about 30 days. he's got a slick lawyer (his brother has a lot of money and is hooking him up), so maybe he will get away with it. i would be pretty surprised.


Junior Member
really wasn't me

the reason i didn't say it was about my friend from the beginning was i figured nobody would want to give me advice since it doesn't have to do with me, but it looks like it doesn't even matter. the reason i want to know is i'm taking over the master bedroom when he goes away.


3rd DUI

Below you will find some of the California law concerning 1sr,2nd, and 3rd DUI's. Your friend needs to be in drug rehab before he kills someone. If all you are worried about is his room, you are not much of a friend.

This varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and can become quite complex depending upon the facts of the individual case. Generally speaking, a first offense with no "enhancements" will involve a fine of about $1700, a 90-day license restriction (in addition to the DMV suspension), attendance at a DUI school for 3, 6 or 9 months and probation for three years. A short jail sentence may or may not be required; for a second offense, it almost certainly will. Additional punishment may involve community service, ignition interlock devices, AA meetings and/or impounding of the vehicle. A third offense within 7 years 120 days to 1 year in jail, $390 to $1,000 fine plus substantial, mandatory penalty assessments, a 3-year license revocation, and an 18-month alcohol/drug program if you have not completed one before. 120 days to 1 year in jail, $390 to $1,000 fine, and a 3-year license revocation


Junior Member
we do business together

we do business together, so it will definitely be a setback when he goes away; i'm really just trying to plan accordingly. i'm not gonna take the hit on rent. i already knew the facts above, i'm wondering if it's different if the first offense was under age 18.
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