I would like to be able to answer each of your questions after quoting each question. However, I do not know how to use the quote feature for divided responses. So I will copy and paste.
"Are you also attending therapy with him? Is this therapist the child's therapist or a family therapist? Many therapists treating just one person MAY NOT want to cross the line by changing into a family therapist so have you discussed this with the therapist?"
I only attend at the very beginning of the session if there are any issues, or if our son has had an episode since previous session. Sessions are 1 hr. I may spend 15-20 minutes with therapist. He treats our child, and has additional education in child pyscology. He does meet with parents of his patients who are children, to discuss the child's issues, ways to discipline, suggests ways for the parents to get along for best interest of child. Therapist has already agreed to see dad, and dad and son together.
Have you had to take these educational courses? Or is this just for dad? Why does dad need to take them?
I will take them. I have taken several already. There are no specific courses that have been ordered. We are just asking dad to take courses at this time. I spent time finding specific courses directed at our son's illness, and provided them to my lawyer. However, I am not insisting dad take these specific ones. I am only requesting dad take educational courses for parents of children with special needs. So unless the judge orders specific classes, dad is able to find these courses on his own, or utilize the ones that I have found.
Then the therapist may be crossing ethical lines and I can understand why dad may not want to see this therapist who has also treated you. That is a big conflict.
When I said that I went to see tdoc(therapist) on my own, I am stating that I have spoken with this tdoc without our son present, to discuss issues/concerns that both tdoc and I felt son should not hear. For instance, I asked tdoc the best way for me to respond to my son when my son tells me specific things his dad has said about me. Things that I've posted above. Like dad and wife reading the motion to child, etc. I am not a patient of this tdoc.
A child psychologist? How is she treating you then? Dad shouldn't be going to see a child psychologist however even if he did need therapy and quite frankly who besides you is saying he needs it.
He is not treating me. Please see my response to your previous question. I'm requesting dad see this tdoc so that dad can better understand the emotional needs of our child, the scope of child's disorder, the importance of not stopping psychtropic meds unless directed and supervised by the prescribing doctor. The tdoc wants to see how our son acts with dad, how dad responds to our son, etc. Dad did not give our son his psychotropic meds when son was in his care for a week. This caused the child to have a major episode. I have Intermittent FMLA from work (I am an RN), to care for our son during his episodes or appointments. I had to take FMLA when our son had this episode, so I could care for him and take him to see his tdoc and pdoc(psychiatrist).
Understood. Maybe dad doesn't have the money to go. Is this therapist under his insurance as well?
Dad does not have insurance. Yes, dad may not have the money to go. I do not know for sure though if dad has the money or not.
It's dad who said that he himself(dad) does not need therapy. But the therapy I am requesting is therapy between dad and son.
I will answer any questions you have.