We need to at least get off the "OMG you called him a rapist on a web site posting under an anonymous name, he's gonna sue you for defamation!!" stuff. Technically, can that happen? Sure. I would even advise OP to stop doing it because it serves no real purpose and any concern is enough of a concern to take any threat of repercussion seriously. But let's not take advantage of a technicality to manufacture a concern that, right now, is nothing more than a distraction.
If the alleged rapist came here and posted a complaint that he was being called a rapist and wanted to sue for libel or slander, he'd get the standard FA Advice-O-Matic response that he could do that, but it would cost him "thousands of dollars" and take years of litigation, along with a generous helping of speculation as to why he'd be wasting his time. This just reeks of trying to scare the OP when, on the flip side, we'd be doing the same thing to the accused rapist.
I was not going to respond to this thread with anything more than a "like" or two for those posts that pointed out the LEGAL realities. Those posts were written by Ohiogal, Eekamouse and anearthw (I may have missed one or two).
I know Ohiogal has dealt with posters who have found their posts here have been used against them in court. I have received private messages where posters have reported the same. And it is not hard to connect the dots in this thread, from poster to the child's father - not with all of the identifying information she has provided (if any of it is real, which I am beginning to doubt).
Defamation suits have been filed over far less than false accusations of rape on an internet forum. And the accusations made by katiebug are accusations only. There has been no police report made, no arrest, no conviction. The man is NOT a rapist until he has been convicted of rape. That is the LEGAL reality, whether the rest of you want to wish that away or not.
This is not in any way meant to diminish the harm a rapist causes. The person raped can have many reasons for not reporting the rape, and the legal system can be one of those reasons. The law is not always kind to the person raped. But that doesn't mean that a person can legally go around calling someone a rapist with impunity, because they fear what the legal system will do to them if they report the rape. THAT TOO is illegal.
It is often posted that this is not a "Dr. Phil" feel-good site. It isn't. It shouldn't be. It is fine to feel sympathy or empathy for a poster, but we have got to assume, also, that a poster comes here for the legal realities and not internet hugs (and this all is coming from someone who used to give internet hugs with regularity).
Okay. I will bow out now.