Both of her doctor's have recommended a sleep study, however, both stated that while it would certainly show how bad her obstruction is, the obstruction being as severe as it is gives them both reason enough to order the surgery. Also, because it is clear when she is awake that she has difficulty breathing, they can conclude that the difficulty is greater while she sleeps.
I know from watching sleep, and couting the seconds she goes not breathing and as a parent it is nothing less than terrifying. Her daycare lady has seen her stop breathing while she sleeps during nap time, and my parents have seen it on numerous occasions while she has spent time with them. However, sharing this information with dad isn't easy. He says she doesn't have sleep apnea, and she just snores. In his opinion, I am making all this up, despite that he has copies of the doctor's assesment.
However, I am positive a sleep study would show just how serious it is. I looked into scheduling one, and it does take several weeks. And, my health insurance has to approve it. All they need is the recommendation from one doctor, which would not be hard to get. Getting one before our hearing might be a challenge. I talked to dad about it, and he's refusing to allow me to get the sleep study because he doesn't believe she has sleep apnea, and once again, he's suing the doctors who recommended the surgery. He's refusing to allow me to take her to ANY doctor. And, he'll sue any doctor I take her to for any treatment (even if it's an emergency). He's says will be in "trouble" if I don't seek his approval before taking her to the doctot.
As our order states "both parties shall keep the other informed of any medical appointments". Which I have always done. It says nothing about one having to approve the doctor's appointment before our daughter could get treated, for any medical reason, serious or not.