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What is the name of your state? Texas
copy and past this link to see the second half of the situation after reading this below-

CPS was called in regards to a situatuion that occured on 12-01-07.
Dad had his children for 8 hours saturday. At 5pm Mom came to pick up her daughters and was accompanied with a friend, her mother and her boyfriends' two sons (ages 3 and 5).

Mom and her friend are putting the girls up in the car and Dads sister-in-law who happened to be there that day told Mom " i know you love your children and all but you really should give their medicine and breathing tubes to their father for their breathing treatments" Mom says whatever and then out of nowhere Mom's Mother jumps from the back of the car and screams "you dont know sh*t" and advances towards dads sister-in-law to hit her.
Dads mother-in-law steps between them and put her arm up yelling "no"
This is when Mom's mother grabs Dad's MIL by the arm and trying to hit Dad's MIL.
DADS sister-in-law pushes MIL (her mom) out of way and wraps up Mom's mother and twirled her around and took her to the ground and put one knee in her back to restrain her.
After this Mom's mother keeps trying fight sister-in-law and Dad closes his gate and tells Mom to leave now. There are 4 children in the car and are seeing all of this.
Mom's mother goes to the SUV and gets a blunt object( a table chair leg with duct tape) and comes to the fence screaming and wanting to fight.
Everybody tells Mom get her out of here and wait at the convienent store for the cops. At this point Dad is on the phone with 911.
From about the time Moms' Mother is doing this it is being video recorded. When Mom realizes it is she starts pushing her mother to get in the car and stop putting her children in jeopardy.
This is the video im talking about.(also above)
Mother in law and sister in law go to the ER.
Moms mother gets arrested and charged with two count of Assualt Bodily Injury and 1 count public intoxication. Keep in mind its a 45 mintue drive from Moms to Dads.
Mom came with intent and intoxicated and Mom had to have known.
Mom's mother has a history of violence and abuse as well as alcoholism.
The Monday following Saturday mom calls Dad to tell him her boyfrind boke up with her because his ex-wife and he both saw the video and felt their children were at risk. One of the boys were sitting in between Mom's mother and one of the babies car seats, while mom scream " your dead Blank your dead" and cursing profusley.

Now CPS was called maybe 4 times by people who saw this video. CPS has been called before on Mom by the hospital and they dont think its a problem Mom is(as of Mom getting out of jail) now living with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. It turns out though that both CPS workers are friends of the family.
Dad called CPS himself being worried about something happening and is more concerned about Mom's mother not too much mom. All CPS told Dad was you need to work this out with Mom, but the caseworker got upset when she was told the video was sent to Austin ( the Dept heads) and the small town CPS office that is supposed to checking this out is not.
My question is legally are they allowed to lie to one parent?
If CPS is biast how can you request a different caseworker?
Also would this situation effect any custody hearings in the future?
Does anyone know the standard procedure for CPS to do when a call comes in?

--Please forgive me for this being kind of long----


Senior Member
Why am I not surprised to see a trailer in the background?


Why was CPS called? No, not why were they fighting, why was CPS called? What DANGER are the children in w/mom?

Also, Dad's sister-in-law probably ought to butt the hell out of Mom's business.


Why am I not surprised to see a trailer in the background?


Why was CPS called? No, not why were they fighting, why was CPS called? What DANGER are the children in w/mom?

Also, Dad's sister-in-law probably ought to butt the hell out of Mom's business.
Haha well my house isnt a trailor. ( But thats how u know your in Texas) Mom moved out the home with her mother and mothers boyfriend last November so she didnt loose her kids the first time.
Now since her bf will no longer support her and he had her leave she is back at that house with the babies-
More so the issue is her mother and her mothers violence and disregard for the safety of her granddaughters and this isnt the second time she has acted like this. It just happened to be on video.
She has had her own children taken from her by CPS for beating them and neglect.
I am wondering why CPS doesnt choose to help. Mom is only putting them in a bad situation but the problem is her mother and those babies being in the household with her.


Why am I not surprised to see a trailer in the background?


Why was CPS called? No, not why were they fighting, why was CPS called? What DANGER are the children in w/mom?

Also, Dad's sister-in-law probably ought to butt the hell out of Mom's business.
yah but Dads Sister-in-law could hear the babies breathing and weezing and when Dad picked them up Mom blunty refused to give the tubing and medication to dad b/c she said it was hers.
First mom said every 4 hours and now she says PRN. Whichever Dad still needs the tubes and medicine. Those tubes cant be cleaned.
The Dr told dad evey 4 hours as well.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
yah but Dads Sister-in-law could hear the babies breathing and weezing and when Dad picked them up Mom blunty refused to give the tubing and medication to dad b/c she said it was hers.
First mom said every 4 hours and now she says PRN. Whichever Dad still needs the tubes and medicine. Those tubes cant be cleaned.
The Dr told dad evey 4 hours as well.
And dad doesn't get his own equipment why? Don't cite cost - that would be petty.


Senior Member
And dad doesn't get his own equipment why? Don't cite cost - that would be petty.
Exactly my thought.

My sister's kid only spends about 2 months/year with his father - and HE has his own breathing machine/all the crap that goes with it.

Why does Dad expect Mom to supply him with necessary medical equipment?


And dad doesn't get his own equipment why? Don't cite cost - that would be petty.
Well Mom has the children on Medicaid as a result of their Disability. They pay for everything and she is required to give the meds as well as the tubing. Dad didnt ask for the nebulizer( the the most expensive). He has one he can use. Unless mom will fork over the ins cards. But he doesnt know what type of mask or beather they use. I would assume a mask. If the tubes are 20 or so no problem.
The issue of her not giving the medicines court can handle. that's not why CPS was called though.

"I don’t know how much they cost, and MCR pays for them as far as I know, but u still need to know what kind of medicine to put in them along w/dosage and time that is printed and the box " This is what a nurse just replyed to me about the cost of tubes


Junior Member
My 16 year old son has asthma and I had always sent his equipment, medicines, and tubing to his fathers. That's sick not to. Asthma is a very serious condition.

Now a days most fathers are paying for their childrens health insurance, half of the copays and out of pocket expenses. So why not share? I wouldn't care if the Dad wasn't paying for anything. I wouldn't want to put my childs life in jeopordy. And to think how miserable the child would feel without his medication.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
So, why doesn't dad get a second prescription from the doc?
And, again, don't EVEN bring up COST! Or, are you trying to place a monetary value on their health?


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
My 16 year old son has asthma and I had always sent his equipment, medicines, and tubing to his fathers. That's sick not to. Asthma is a very serious condition.
And, in my opinion, that's a stupid way to do it. The child should have the equipment at BOTH places. Heck, I even left a machine with all the proper tubes etc and some medicine at the kids' grandparents for when they slept over on the weekend.


Senior Member
Ok, so I watched the video, but I have no audio on this machine... so I have no idea what was said.

But I see Mom (I guess... the woman in the white Tshirt) pushing Gramma (?) into the truck. I see Dad continuing to stand there, and then someone from the house approaches the truck - which someone who was scared enough to call 911 wouldn't do.

I never saw anyone w/any blunt object.

I can't figure out why these types of people always seem to have video cameras running... though I suppose when you live your life like the Jerry Springer show, you feel the need to preserve it for posterity... or you watch too much COPS or something...

But I still don't get the calls to CPS.

Are the KIDS in DANGER when they're with Mom?


Senior Member
What is the name of your state? Texas
copy and past this link to see the second half of the situation after reading this below-

CPS was called in regards to a situatuion that occured on 12-01-07.
Dad had his children for 8 hours saturday. At 5pm Mom came to pick up her daughters and was accompanied with a friend, her mother and her boyfriends' two sons (ages 3 and 5).

Mom and her friend are putting the girls up in the car and Dads sister-in-law who happened to be there that day told Mom " i know you love your children and all but you really should give their medicine and breathing tubes to their father for their breathing treatments" Mom says whatever and then out of nowhere Mom's Mother jumps from the back of the car and screams "you dont know sh*t" and advances towards dads sister-in-law to hit her.
Dads mother-in-law steps between them and put her arm up yelling "no"
This is when Mom's mother grabs Dad's MIL by the arm and trying to hit Dad's MIL.
DADS sister-in-law pushes MIL (her mom) out of way and wraps up Mom's mother and twirled her around and took her to the ground and put one knee in her back to restrain her.
After this Mom's mother keeps trying fight sister-in-law and Dad closes his gate and tells Mom to leave now. There are 4 children in the car and are seeing all of this.
Mom's mother goes to the SUV and gets a blunt object( a table chair leg with duct tape) and comes to the fence screaming and wanting to fight.
Everybody tells Mom get her out of here and wait at the convienent store for the cops. At this point Dad is on the phone with 911.
From about the time Moms' Mother is doing this it is being video recorded. When Mom realizes it is she starts pushing her mother to get in the car and stop putting her children in jeopardy.
This is the video im talking about.(also above)
Mother in law and sister in law go to the ER.
Moms mother gets arrested and charged with two count of Assualt Bodily Injury and 1 count public intoxication. Keep in mind its a 45 mintue drive from Moms to Dads.
Mom came with intent and intoxicated and Mom had to have known.
Mom's mother has a history of violence and abuse as well as alcoholism.
The Monday following Saturday mom calls Dad to tell him her boyfrind boke up with her because his ex-wife and he both saw the video and felt their children were at risk. One of the boys were sitting in between Mom's mother and one of the babies car seats, while mom scream " your dead Blank your dead" and cursing profusley.

Now CPS was called maybe 4 times by people who saw this video. CPS has been called before on Mom by the hospital and they dont think its a problem Mom is(as of Mom getting out of jail) now living with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. It turns out though that both CPS workers are friends of the family.
Dad called CPS himself being worried about something happening and is more concerned about Mom's mother not too much mom. All CPS told Dad was you need to work this out with Mom, but the caseworker got upset when she was told the video was sent to Austin ( the Dept heads) and the small town CPS office that is supposed to checking this out is not.
My question is legally are they allowed to lie to one parent?
If CPS is biast how can you request a different caseworker?
Also would this situation effect any custody hearings in the future?
Does anyone know the standard procedure for CPS to do when a call comes in?

--Please forgive me for this being kind of long----
It's interesting to me that Dad is not pursuing the Medical equip/treatment issue as that IS a reason to lose Custody (Medical Neglect) and is FAR EASIER to prove than whether or not Mom's Mom is a nutcase. :rolleyes:

However, if you suspect bias with CPS, Dad can contact the Office of the Ombudsmen. They will direct him from there.
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