Have you not seen any of the coverage on this topic over the past few years? There has, in fact, been MANY people lodging complaints over evolution being taught as fact.I did not attend school in CA, but if this is in fact correct, then the problem goes well beyond the OP's child. I would imagine there are a rather large number of concerned parents who could be convinced to make a "joint" request to the school to clarify their curriculum. Such requests when made by a Lone Parent are easy to ignore. When they come from Parents of Half the Class, not so much.
In fairness, there have also been many complaints that evolution is being taught at all.
I attended school in TX. You know...the state that just got so much heat for it's 'conservative bias' forced into the coming textbooks. Never mind that the information to be included is, from what I have seen, actually accurate.
I agree that it is not an inappropriate subject to cover. However, the lessons need to be balanced and made clear that it is an ever evolving theory and that nobody has all of the answers.
(My personal belief is that nobody will EVER have all the answers because we are not meant to understand everything.)
Even the big bang theory, while to me makes perfect sense and is pretty much accepted as the beginning of the universe, if I forgo the mind bending question of where did all the compressed matter come from to begin with (don't worry. I'm the kid that asked my preacher how God came to be and if he had a mother, how SHE came to be. I'm an equal opportunity questioner.), is a theroy. Yet, certain people claim that evolution is the answer. How does ANYBODY know that? Last I checked, crucial 'links' were as yet missing.
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