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Ex and his girlfriend are living together...

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Senior Member
Yeah... I know what happens in court. Almost every one of my girlfriends and their children have been screwed taking into account what a deadbeat dad wants because a judge was angry on a hot day.
Y'know, I hear this a lot too, but in almost every case it's clear that the expectations were very out of touch with the legal reality. Dad has constitutional rights, and without evidence of harm to the children, a court is not going to deny him the right to parent his child. It's legal for the other parent to be annoying. It's legal to be a total jerk. It's legal to get drunk, smoke, have sex, and get into stupid relationships as long as it's not harming the children - actual physical harm.

And those rights are NOT contingent on payment of child support.

I was hoping for reassurance from this place but no such luck!

I really do appreciate all your feedback!

And I am more than prepared to be miserable the rest of my life hahahah
He will make sure of that!
You don't have to be miserable. Just take the time to educate yourself on what you can change and learn to let go of what you can't. It is a lengthy process, but very worth it in the end.

Just Blue

Senior Member
Oh I tried not to post much information about the situation with him.
I actually left him. He proposed and tried to get back with me several times, but it was quite clear by that point that he would not quit his bad habits. And, after that, he went off the deep end. He can not keep a job, he refuses to quit smoking, or doing lines of coke, or drinking excessively. He lies all the time. Refuses to pay child support, and is running from being served his papers.

I have known him and his family for 19 years (his sister is my best friend), and the only reason I agreed to put him on the birth certificate was so our son could know his side of the family.

He seems to be trying to "get back at me" for what, I do not know. I have offered him every opportunity to see his child, over at his parents house, and he has declined. He yells at me saying I am keeping him from his child, but everyone in the world knows it is not the case.
When he does come visit his child, he picks him up late, calls me many horrible names, then drops him off early.

Even after going through and paying for my pregnancy alone, I still have given him chance after chance to be a good father. Instead, he goes to bars.

I gave him the option to watch his son while I went to class at night (I get out at 9), and he declined since it would make his new girlfriend uncomfortable seeing as how that is so late at night. That is my problem with her. My problem with them living together rests on the fact that yes, they are unmarried. And also that she kicks him out often. It is an unstable environment and if the two of them got into a fight and he was kicked out it would potentially put him and my child with nowhere to stay. Also, he told me that she gets violent with him. If she does not respect the father of my child, how can she possibly respect his child with a woman towards whom she has shown no respect?

At this point, he has made it clear he will do anything to make me miserable. He goes out of his way to be places I will be. He feeds his son the wrong foods to upset me (regardless of the fact it makes our boy sick). He refuses to abide by any bedtime or feeding schedule (even feeding him 6 oz more than he is supposed to eat at times).
He tries to keep his son in the hot TX sun after telling me "children regulate heat better than adults" while his son is getting heat rash.

At this point, I am seriously wondering whether or not he did one line too many and can honestly take care of a child? I am thinking not. I do understand what you meant about the courts saying I chose him as father... but he is not the man he was. I am legitimately concerned for the well-being of my child when he is with him.

Also, there is no need for supervision to be permanent. I am requesting it for the term of his probation and *hopefully* a year after to show that he can pass drug testing.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you were not married to Dad. Why are you being moralistic about Dad living with another woman when you YOURSELF had a child with him without being married?


Under the Radar Member
So, let me get this straight... you won't live with someone until you're married, but you're fine with having sex and making babies without the benefit of marriage? THAT sure makes sense...

Now, you've known Dad for 19 years. Is it safe to assume that he's been behaving badly (i.e. doing drugs and drinking) for longer than the past 13 months? If so - what made you think he was appropriate Daddy material? You speak a lot of what's best for your child, but haven't shown much sincerity to put it into practice when it mattered - before conception. A bit late to now complain about behavior that was acceptable to you when you were squirming around under the sheets. Ya know?
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Under the Radar Member
It's usually good to keep your story straight if you're going to lie. So which of these two versions is the truth?

From this thread:

I actually left him. He proposed and tried to get back with me several times, but it was quite clear by that point that he would not quit his bad habits.
And from your thread on child support:

The father of my child (who I knew 19 years) abandoned me when he found out I was pregnant with his child. I was able to put him on the birth certificate when he signed the AOP, but I now realize this was a mistake.
Oh, what a tangled web...


Queen Bee
Yeah... I know what happens in court. Almost every one of my girlfriends and their children have been screwed taking into account what a deadbeat dad wants because a judge was angry on a hot day.

I was hoping for reassurance from this place but no such luck!

I really do appreciate all your feedback!

And I am more than prepared to be miserable the rest of my life hahahah
He will make sure of that!
So apparently every one of your girlfriends has lousy choice in men and chose to allow a deadbeat into their pants in order to impregnate them and those same girlfriends decided to make said men fathers. Fathers have EQUAL rights to MOTHERS when it comes to children. Uteruses are NOT superior.


Senior Member
The most disturbing point is "I want to move away to limit contact between my child and the father."

You say that in court and DAD will be looking at primary custody... because you are openly and actively trying to prevent his time with his child.

I do agree with the above. The exact same conduct that you found attractive enough to bump uglies with is the exact same conduct that you now want to protect your child from....

It doesn't work that way. You picked him as daddy material when you decided to swap DNA. Now, you get to work with him in the best interests of the child for the next couple of decades.

Look at it as a positive.... you HAVE to... for the sake of the child.

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