Hi, I live in subsidized housing and since things have been rough for me lately, I applied for financial aid (cash assistance) and got approved. Nice! Except for the entire first month, it kept slipping my mind to call them and report this. I work pretty strange hours and am usually asleep during the day when the office is open, which also doesn't help. I got extremely worried I was going to be kicked out/charged with fraud for reporting it so late, and so I just never did. Very stupid, I know. I was too anxious about it to just report it late and now it's a mess. I'm sure they're going to find out eventually, and I'll end up reporting it either way, but I'm not sure how to go about it at this point. Is it necessary to tell them exactly when I started receiving aid (probably)? And am I going to be evicted for this? This is in Illinois by the way. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to share some advice with me.