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Senior Member
Aricci said:
Have any of you had a reality check lately?

Do any of you have CHILDREN, HUSBANDS, or JOBS? Or all you all sitting in front of your computer all day, popping the zits on your ass.... anticipating your 17.00 a week child support checks? How pathetic!

ryry you don't deserve the title of bitch. Bitch? pleaza...try loser. Wanna see a bitch come to philly nebraska girl...I'll show you a bitch. Nebraska...omg...I can't believe i am even talking to someone from Nebraska. My car payment probably costs more than your F* ing mortgage.
What is it? are you jealous of me?...there really is no need. I have tried time after time to be amicable to you...obviously you have no class what-so-ever and hide behind the title of bitch. ((scoff))Why don't you get off your fat ass already?

Do you really not know what a time share is?...omg where do you people live? It is not a waste of money AT ALL ...it's an investment just like your house. Perhaps if you all had more than your 15.00 a week child support checks you'd be able to actually AFFORD a time share or vacation. For 20,000. I can stay in 5 star resorts and condo's for the rest of my life for free. Perhaps in your opinion its a waste of money...it's not to me. So what do you CARE?

Good GOD get a life.

aricci, please stop following me!

Oh and by the way, I don't want a time share! You are right about one thing, my mortgage payment probably isn't as high as your car payment! But guess what aricci, my childrens college fund is growing and growing because I AM NOT IN DEBT!
You own a share? So that means you get the place, what a week a year? ONE week a year for $20,000....wow you aren't materialistic at all are you? Oh and I am sure that Mexico has a ton of those 5 star resturaunts! ROACHES ARE HIGH CLASS!

DO YOU HAVE A JOB ARICCI? I mean damn, woman, if the title has RY's mom's name on it you are responding before the damn thing is even posted!

I have a job, 3 full time jobs to be precise and I carry two other jobs as well for someone else..I am a nanny. I also take care of my mother who has MS, I do her finances, medical appointments etc. I am studying in my spare time to someday get my human service degree.

My husband, he works also ( he probably made more last year than you will in a lifetime but I don't gloat about our finances), we don't need the $17/week, but it would make a nice little nest egg for the kids...not that it adds up to much! I am not mad about the money, I am ticked off at the system! SO BITE MY ZITTY ASS!

Who invited you into this thread anyway? We weren't talking about you and could care less about your posh lifestyle. As far as I am concerned you are dirt, scum, worthless crap who can go sit in Mexico and get infested with rats!

IAAL, I realize you are in love with your italian princess. But I will NOT let anyone speak to me like this or piss on my friends! I may be a bitch, but I am not anywhere near as degrading as aricci has been in this post, that doesn't even involve her in the first place. But I will go delete my bitch out thread to her, because I realize it hit sore spot!

ARICCI, go have fun on your time share and remember that in a few years when you are old and immobile that you swear it is a good investment! Why do I think you will be old in a few years? Because what goes around comes around and you do wrong to others, it will haunt you the rest of your life.

Maybe you should invest your $20,000 in your tithing and go to church once in while!



Lil Miss Smarty Panties

I understand you're pissed. Why you are pissed because of this thread I dunno, but instead of just trying to offend ryry, as was your intent I believe, you offended the entire board with your comments that suggest we are all unsophisticated poor trash beneath your contempt. Not cool Aricci. I'm sure there are people on this board that have more than others, but why be a snob about it? Just because someone can only manage to collect $17 a week or even a month in child support from their ex doesn't mean they are any less a person than you are, and it sure doesn't make you a better one.


ok, ok, ok, now my two cents!!!

Now, I have a question......How in the hell is she living so posh, living in the city of Philly? I was born and raised in Philly, moved out in 89, right after I graduated!! Believe me, if you want to see unsophisticated, white trash, just take a trip to many parts of Philadelphia! If you want to see a BITCH, there is one right here, a product of Philly, and now of ummmm.....yes, IAAL New Jersey lol. Don't give me your s*it that you live in Bensalem and you are better, because Bensalem isn't that much better, and on that note, you aren't even a TRUE PHILLY GIRL!! Gee, I wonder if someone pissed in her wheaties, or is it because someone pissed off her little friend RY, haven't seen her around in a while!! Or perhaps, Aricci is really Sissygirl????? Makes me wonder!! So, anyway, what do you do all day Aricci, besides watch soap operas and eat bon bons and get zits on your ass??


Senior Member
Ryry's Mom said --

"IAAL, I realize you are in love with your italian princess."


My response:

Stop! You're making me blush!

You know I fell in love with you a very, very long time ago. You're one in a million. Why do you think I went to bat for you on Friday, and this morning?

But, I have to admit, I love all of you guys (er, ladies), and that includes Aricci too. I like the "tough chicks" - - they look good in "I Wanna Be Like You". I imagine all of you with big beehive red hair, and busty. Seriously, I think all of you are wonderful and have a lot of good things to say.

But, it's time for all of you to stop, shake hands, and be friendly with each other. Now, do ME a favor, and see what you can do for me Ryry in that department, and I'll work on Aricci - - in the closet!

Play nice!



Senior Member
I have been nice...I am done being nice, sorry. I have nothing more to say to her or about her. I am finished unless she cares to attack me more! Then I WILL have to do something about it!


Senior Member
ryry's mom said:
"I have been nice...I am done being nice, sorry. I have nothing more to say to her or about her. I am finished unless she cares to attack me more! Then I WILL have to do something about it!"


My response:

Ryry . . .

I asked you for a favor. I did you a good turn, and now I'm asking you for one, and to turn the other cheek.

Can I get your "yes, okay" answer?



I wasn't going to reply...but I think I will anyway.

First...I'm not in debt. Not that it is your business...
Second...I don't sell time shares for a living so I don't need to go into a sales pitch here. BUT> I would spend more than 20000...in a lifetime on vacations. THEREFORE, I bought a timeshare. (It's two weeks a year and one floating week ayear) I've been to Hawaii...Greece...Netherlands...Disney Cruises,ect...and now plan on going to Cabo...I'll let you know how the roaches are as I am basking in the sun....enjoying a margarita.
I'm NOT gloating...I'm just saying it was worth it for me and my family. DON'T buy a time share...I really don't care, my dear.

One must be busy with 3 full time jobs, huh? How do you work in all the posts here? I certainly glad you aren't my nanny. I wouldn't want my nanny to be on my computer all day.

Me? I work Part time as an accountant....it's really nice. 7:30-2 (Mon, Wed,& Fri) "he probably made more last year than you will in a lifetime but I don't gloat about our finances."
I don't want to go into our finances....but I highly doubt it dear...I work PT for a reason.

"Who invited you into this thread anyway?" Who invited you into mine? Remember it's a public forum.

Old and immobile? I'll be 26 in 11 days...I'm hardly old. But when I am it will be a nice gift to my children. Just think of all the memories we'll have in the meantime....

"IAAL, I realize you are in love with your italian princess. But I will NOT let anyone speak to me like this or piss on my friends! I may be a bitch, but I am not anywhere near as degrading as aricci has been in this post, that doesn't even involve her in the first place. But I will go delete my bitch out thread to her, because I realize it hit sore spot!" --wa wa wa...girl you cry more than any one I know. You sit there and antagonize me...and then expect me to just sit here and take it from you. WHATEVER. You sit there and accuse me of pampering Ry's mom..and posting to her...when you were right there with me.

LAST but certainly not least...FYI I do go to church...EVERY Sunday for that matter. And our tithe always comes first...not that it is any of your business...but whatever...you said it...and I am replying.
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Under the Radar Member
IAAL - you're talking to yourself. It's a full moon, and they're all out baying at each other.


Senior Member
A time share is a freakin' waste of money--just buy the apartment, save yourself a gazillion dollars, and enjoy it anytime and not just one week a year, the same time, year after year (unless someone swaps with you).

Anyone want to accompany me to Daytona the week of the 23rd of April? Dad's timeshare is open to the takers!

Aricii--makes me think of Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People.

LMSP--you already know what those initials make me think!!:D


Senior Member
My response:

Well, that's probably true . . .

But, if these two don't stop "baying" at each other, I'll turn this car around RIGHT NOW !

Now, stop the fighting!

I'm still waiting Ryry . . .




Just so you know...Your right I don't live in Philadelphia....never did. I grew up in Yardley. I was saying though that if you want to see a bitch come to philly...agree?

YOU ALL HAVE MADE ME OUT TO BE A SNOB!!!! ALL I DID WAS ASK A QUESTION....and she totally flipped on me.((like always))

I NEVER said I was better than anyone. This thread was started because of mine....so why wouldn't I come back?

IAAL... blonde highlights. Sorry to ruin the imagination but I couldn't have someone out there envisioning me with a red beehive.


"Aricii--makes me think of Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People."

That I can deal with....
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