i got caught by a cop doing some graffitti art on a wall
"The police caught me intentionally causing damage to the private property of another."
We call that "vandalism" and not "art."
i got caught about 9 or 10 mths ago 2.
By the numeral "2" do you really mean the word, "too?"
The thing says PC 594 a/2, 594.1 e (and its got 3 colors wriiten after it - does that mean its 3 charges?), 594.3 a.
I have no idea what the colors might mean.
Here are the offenses:
594. (a) Every person who maliciously commits any of the following
acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her
own, in cases other than those specified by state law, is guilty of
(1) Defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material.
(2) Damages.
(3) Destroys.
So, you are accused of damaging property.
(e) (1) It is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to
possess etching cream or an aerosol container of paint for the
purpose of defacing property while on any public highway, street,
alley, or way, or other public place, regardless of whether that
person is or is not in any automobile, vehicle, or other conveyance.
So, you are under 18 and were in possession of graffiti tools.
594.3. (a) Any person who knowingly commits any act of vandalism to
a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, building owned and occupied by
a religious educational institution, or other place primarily used as
a place of worship where religious services are regularly conducted
or a cemetery is guilty of a crime punishable by imprisonment in a
county jail for not exceeding one year or imprisonment pursuant to
subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
You were tagging A CHURCH or cemetery?!? It's bad enough to be tagging ANY property, but a church or other religious institution?
Oh, and as a note, depending on what you write it might be a hate crime ... and, if you are part of a crew, this can be charged as a gang-related crime per 186.22 and add a sentencing enhancement ... and if you worked with anyone to get the materials, transport, or planned to commit the act that's conspiracy (which can be charged as a felony even if the underlying offense is a misdemeanor).
i got caught wth 3 spray cans, i wasn't doing tagging or gang stuff.
"Graffiti art" ... okay, you don't like to call it "tagging," how about "damage" or just "vandalism?"
is it going 2 b much worse cos its the 2nd time? last time i had to do some cleaning and pay a fine. can they put me on probation or send me to juvie 4 this?
If they don't, they should. You can bet that the court is not going to give you the same lenient sentence they did last time! And you can probably expect to pay a lot more in fines and community service, and suffer probation conditions that will allow the police to stop and search you at most any time, and even come into your home to check you out.
Hopefully you will also be forced to clean up a lot of other people's "art."
Oh, and they CAN charge this second offense as a FELONY if you were actually convicted of (had a true finding in juvenile court) of the first offense and it was not disposed of through diversion or some other informal action.