i'm not tht bad a person. u guys realize i coulda easily joined a gang & be doin gang tagging yeah? but i don't wanna be in tht. & noone bothers me when i'm doin my own thing. i don't think u ppl would understand tht tho, u sound surburbia (since u so wound up by graffiti). its a distraction, 4 me.
But why are you acting so foolishly?
Write a letter to the city, explain the situation, show them examples of your works and ask for permission to paint those areas. Maybe you will even make some money, instead of facing criminal charges.
we're tryin 2 get spaces. the kids playground is 1 we got plans 4. i made some $$ already, & i got another shop booked soon. yeah i'll take tht over charges!
I swear.... if one of MY kids wrote/spoke like this, I'd smack 'em upside the head. This kid's a punk.
yeah, tht's cool. violence is always the answer.
Oh well, like talking to a brick wall.
i'm not tryin 2 disagree wth u. i'm just confused by how those laws r written. tht relgious 1 esp. i wouldn't go out & graffiti a church on purpose.
Yes, I ran into dozens just like him. Selfish, arrogant, and cannot understand that what they are doing is wrong. It's a pity, actually, because too many of them end up living in squalor and falling into a life of more advanced crime because they took a pass on education or the development of any real job skills.
i'm gd at school. i even go every day. i write like i do b/c its the web. ...& b/c i send a lot of txts.
i'm not getting into 'advanced crime'. i got plans. & this guy thts main organizer of the art idea has got mad skillz i can learn - he's done this in other places.
OP is a despicable little punk and if he doesn't get jail time for this offense, it'll be when he gets arrested for his next offense so hurray! for that inevitability in his future.
i don't think they'd waste space in juvie 4 someone doin this stuff (the cop didn't arrest me, just took me 2 my home). but i dunno 4 sure. i ain't been there yet.
eekamouse,ur so kind, btw.