My husband's ex called him the ******* to his face, in front of their child... I heard his former mother-in-law tell him that because he has a new wife, he has a new life, and he should move on and forget their daughter. It cuts both ways, and in reality, he knows that the fact that his ex thinks he's an ass means nothing, and that his ex m-i-l thinks he should forget about DD means nothing (is DD ok?
), and additionally, him or me calling her BM means nothing but a clarification. But I don't want to argue that, because it's your board, you guys have been here forever, and you
are offended by the term, so I won't use it.
I probably won't shut a whole lot, because regardless of what the rules of the game here are, there are certain decencies that should be observed, and honestly, I've spent much of the afternoon here, reading the last month of responses to people, and you guys can be awfully harsh to people who make their first posts and don't know the rules... We come here because we need help, and we're so grateful to find someone who might be able to answer questions... and then we get yelled at because we use an abbreviation, or presume that because we are married, we actually make decisions with our spouses. I know legally what my rights are (none), but I also know that my husband talks over all the decisions he makes about his daughter with me first... because that's what married people do... and so when I slip and post a we, it's because we actually did make a decision. The court won't disregard my husband's decisions just because he talked them over with his spouse... but even with that said, I was trained years and years ago not to use we in these circumstances because it automatically turns custodial mothers on these websites off...
I have thicker skin than some of these people, and I know that I have the proper attitude regarding the fact that I am not my stepdaughter's mother, and she needs to respect her mother accordingly. I'm not new to the "game", and I know what my roles and responsibilities are.