Actually, I knew you were a boy, Princess. Usually, to get this degree of drama, you have to look to the female of the species.No. I said I wasn't going to bother coming back for legal advice.
And you keep saying princess, but that's ok. Girls are cool.
Just then. Again, unless there is a point in error, I don't need to chime in.Hahahahahahahaha that's hilarious. When exactly do you believe that you said this?
I recommend an investment in a dictionary.excepting during school Don't worry, you'll get the hang of the english language sometime. Just keep on trucking.
That is a perfectly acceptable use of the word.
And that's the point, moron. It isn't irrelevant in a court of law. The words have a very precise meaning and you insisted upon using it incorrectly.Yeah. I was getting irritated at the irrelevance of it all.
Just because YOU believe a point isn't important does not make that point unimportant to the rest of the world.
You will find as you grow up that there are a great many things you don't understand. A mark of maturity is the ability to learn without taking the words "You are incorrect" as a personal affront.
I was trying to help.So, what was the point of you saying anything at all? (what exactly do you think has been useful about anything you've said?) Do you think that rather the thread could have done without a chorus of people spouting crap?
And I did. You were so busy on your "why is everyone being so mean to me" rant that you may have missed it.
I imagine that happens a lot.
Irrelevant.... as are many of your statements.So, you haven't been to broadway then.
if it is important, I have had the privilege (see the proper use there?) to see shows on Broadway and off Broadway often.
Easily. I didn't skip class just for lunch.No, I usually have pretty cool people around me who don't start crap. My parents? They're fine. How did your parents survive you?
So what you are saying is that you are the brains of your particular outfit. Kinda like being the smartest kid in the dumb kid class.
What started your pitiful little rant at me was my observation that you were skipping school... and that was a fact that you seemed to try to minimize.. due to the food quality, due to this, due to how you're trying to relinquish any responsibility for creating any crap at all.
You seem to have a bit of a responsibility problem yourself... after all, you are here to find out how to prevent actually taking your deserved punishment.
You say things like "what I did was wrong" but you want to work the system to keep from paying the cost.
Your entire threat is an attempt to relinquish responsibility.
Is that how you look at the world. If people irritate you, you hit them?You like coming on the internet and attempting to irritate people. You get a rise out of it don't you? I bet you're not this arrogant in real life. Surely someone would've handed you your dessert by now if you were.
You gain maturity by the moment.
Believe it or not, nothing I have said was arrogant. You took it that way, but that was certainly not the intent.
However, you seemed determined to pout and stomp your little foot until we all decided to play by your rules.
You are correct... you should have stayed among your friends. Here, among adults, we don't have to entertain your views of the world or your demands as to how to be treated.
however, it is comforting to realize that your parents grounded you tonight... at least they see the problem for what it is.
I take it you have never actually read Twain, princess. Well, at least past Huck Finn.Good boy, cyjeff. It's fascinating that you know this. But I believe the key words in the sentence were "rambling, nonsensical bs".
Abe Lincoln once said (and I paraphrase), "it is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."