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Holiday Trip cost me my children

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Under the Radar Member
laurakaycraig said:
On the 1 my daughter being left alone. YES i ahve proof , he stated to the courts she went to a certain daycare from Aug 16 - now. i ahve a letter from the daycare she started on Oct 13 with the daycare. He was asked if anyone elese provided daycare for her during these months he said no.
That really is NOT proof. And if she's NOW going to daycare, then it's moot.

laurakaycraig said:
On 9 he admitted in court there were some objects moving around, but said he was out of town for a few days that week in set 2003 Proof: Son home from school ill with stomache Duaghter was in school. Have school records to prove daughter in school and son out of school.
The kid was sick - how is that proof of his not washing dishes? And in and of itself, not really a case for changing custody unless you can prove that it is an ongoing problem. One occurance isn't going to do it.



Senior Member
Hon, you LIVE IN THE UK. Other than a major abuse or neglect situation involving CPS you are NOT going to get custody changed to a different continent!

When you went off seeking a relationship with a guy in the UK, what did you THINK would happen if you and he stayed together? Did you think it would be OK, even once divorced, to move youir kids there?
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Senior Member
You were not faithful during your marriage if you were traveling to the UK to meet a man, did you meet him on the internet? Who paid for the ticket? You have nothing to claim against your ex.

You abandoned your children when you flew off to meet a man you had never met while you were still married. Your husband was acting within the law to move his children and file for divorce. Didn't you buy a round trip ticket? If you had, you would have been able to come home right away. If you had a job you would have had money for your needs, TX has plenty of places to work you didn't have to go to the UK to find work or a man to support you.

You have no right to put his telephone service in your name. If you wanted the children to call you, get them phone cards. It is no concern of yours who he talks to on the phone.

Your little list of your ex's deficits is meaningless.

The fact that there is a call from your number to UK before you went there is not proof that your Ex gave his blessing, it is proof of your adultery.

Usually the NCP (that's you) is required to carry the medical insurance and to pay child support, how much child support are you paying?

I moved into a place that had cable hooked up and no one was paying, they didn't bother to turn it off when the last tenants had moved more than a year before, often times these are left on. The cable company will not tell you the past customer's records, so it is not proof that it wasn't on already.

I could go on.......

You better look at reality.


Senior Member
Then move back to the US, live near your ex and file for shared physical custody. Because custody will not get changed to the UK.
rmet4nzkx said:
You were not faithful during your marriage if you were traveling to the UK to meet a man, did you meet him on the internet? Who paid for the ticket? You have nothing to claim against your ex.

You abandoned your children when you flew off to meet a man you had never met while you were still married. Your husband was acting within the law to move his children and file for divorce. Didn't you buy a round trip ticket? If you had, you would have been able to come home right away. If you had a job you would have had money for your needs, TX has plenty of places to work you didn't have to go to the UK to find work or a man to support you.

You have no right to put his telephone service in your name. If you wanted the children to call you, get them phone cards. It is no concern of yours who he talks to on the phone.

Your little list of your ex's deficits is meaningless.

The fact that there is a call from your number to UK before you went there is not proof that your Ex gave his blessing, it is proof of your adultery.

Usually the NCP (that's you) is required to carry the medical insurance and to pay child support, how much child support are you paying?

I moved into a place that had cable hooked up and no one was paying, they didn't bother to turn it off when the last tenants had moved more than a year before, often times these are left on. The cable company will not tell you the past customer's records, so it is not proof that it wasn't on already.

I could go on.......

You better look at reality.

First of all Yes I did meet him on the internet. I paid for the ticket. and i ahd a return ticket march 5 - 19, 2002. Next abandonment is a very very strong word. it means intentions of no contact. I phoned my children everyday while visiting. I did fly back to texas. To find the locks were changed and everything gone. HE WAS NOT LIVING AT MY HOME with our children had not been since November 2001.

I did not come back here just for work and support. I come back here because I was in a depressed state and i had no where to turn. I made a bad judgement something I have to live with. But fact is He looks like a hero to people. Believe this or not he begged me to go with gifts. said it was once in a lifetime chance to see the UK. "god as my witness on that one"

Phone service was provided because he didnt have the money to pay for it. Contact was great until he met his wife on the internet. In October 2004 - jan 2005 i barely got to speak to my children because he was on the line at my expense. I paid the bills.

He admitted he called the UK from his Cabinet Shop he owned. Not from our home phone.

cable Service provider did speak to me because I requested to know if service had ever been there. The rep said no, so there for he lied Service had not been provided at that address prior to his purchase of the home.

Since December 2002 i have paid $11,865.00 . I only have to pay " 250.00 per month but because he has failed to provide what the children need i have always made sure they are provided for.

I never once cheated on my husband during our marriage. there was a time that I could have , but the morals and honesty in my life put me in the right frame of mind. Just because i met a man doesnt mean I committed adulty. people can committ adultry with there eyes and their minds.

I think letting a women dance naked in your lap and you put money in her hand and you have a wife at home with babies. Now that is pretty darn sick.
But still I am the bad person.

If my house and children were still intacked when I flew home that is where I would of been on that day and still would be there.

i ahve admitted i should not have went until i was divorced, will never forgive myself for that.


Under the Radar Member
laurakaycraig said:
"god as my witness on that one"
He can't testify.

The long and the short of it, the majority of things you're bringing up, while lies, are petty issues. They are NOT a judgement of his fitness or lack of it to parent the children. His behavior while married is moot - that was dealt with at the time of the divorce and that's it. Just as your taking off to meet some unknown guy is moot, to be honest. Your living on another continent is not. His having had custody for 3 years is not. But you simply do not have anything bordering on proving him unfit. I don't know how else to say it.


Senior Member
YOU ABANDONED your children, no matter how you define it.

Quit rationalizing, it won't get you anywhere.

You don't have a single peice of evidence that is proof that he is unfit.

You had bad judgement, you cannot change the facts.

Your little list may make you feel better, but it is false hope.

You will have little hope of geting anything more than visitation in the state.


Senior Member
I'm left pondering how she says she came back from the UK to Texas to find the house empty... but then she returned to the UK? Boy, there's putting priorities straight. Can afford a ticket to overseas but can't put a deposit down on an apartment, or whatever.
I understand your point. The plane ticket that was purchased to come back to the UK was purchased buy 1 get 1 free with American Airlines.I did not pay for this my husband here in the Uk did. Even tho he just met me he still did that to fly me back to get help. He did all he could do to afford what he could. Those tickets cost 75 percent less than to come up with a deposit to have lights turned on water turned on, etc. A small town of 1500 people and very limited space. second of all i did go back to North carolina to stay with my sister for 5 weeks to try to get legal help. Texas legal Aid was understaffed, letter stating they could not help me. No women's shelter in the area I was residing.

I could of went to a Church for help, but at the time i was even depressed with God.

I dont want Oh you poor girl I feel so sorry for you. I want understanding . I want people to see how much I have been thru and see that there are people really who do tell the truth. Sometimes i feel its the honest people that get stepped on over and over.

Like I said before The Judge of the Courts even agrees I DID NOT ABANDON MY CHILDREN.

My son signed a legal form that he choses to live with me. My daughter being only 8 the judge took her into his chambers and ask her where she wanted to live both stated here. The court was continued until July 20 2005, During the week we were back in texas , My ex cried to the oldiest son said if you leave me I wont have anybody and cried his eyes out. Told him that its not fair i have all 3 kids. FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! wHERE DOES HE GET THE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT IS FAIR?

so becuase the judge had already told the children that he had no choice but to allow them to stay there, as we speak 1 week later my son has already regretted it, so I still believe i will someday get my children. and they will live here now that is fair!!!!!
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Senior Member
Where do you get the right to decide what is fair, yourself?
You abandoned your children in favor of a stranger you met on the internet and moved across the world.
Quite complaning, you stopped being a mother a long time ago. :mad:


Senior Member
laurakaycraig said:
I dont want Oh you poor girl I feel so sorry for you. I want understanding . I want people to see how much I have been thru and see that there are people really who do tell the truth. Sometimes i feel its the honest people that get stepped on over and over.
Well, no fear of that. I wasn't thinking 'poor girl.' I was actually thinking... 'What worthless person who continues to makes excuses.' Once again...
Y-O-U A-B-A-N-D-O-N-E-D Y-O-U-R C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!!


Senior Member
tigger22472 said:
Well, no fear of that. I wasn't thinking 'poor girl.' I was actually thinking... 'What worthless person who continues to makes excuses.' Once again...
Y-O-U A-B-A-N-D-O-N-E-D Y-O-U-R C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!!
Do you want to put that in bold?
I am very sorry that I posted this I wanted help someone to listen to me not to insult the prblems i have encountered. i have admitted my wrong doing.

I will never let anyone make me think or feel i have abandoned my children.
I am not angry at that word. i am angry at the fact its not the truth. Left my children with their father for a holiday period.

He can do whatever he wants in the past and present and looks like a saint.

Well who ever toots his horn, and wishes him luck is just as bad.

He told the children that he did what he did because" I would not tell him I still loved him" On his Yahoo ID his famous quote is " Never pass the opportunity to tell someone you love them" how shivering that is to me. So basically he is saying He says i love you you ahd better say it back or you will suffer after.


Under the Radar Member
I'll try one more time.

He has had the children in his custody for 3 years.

You have not provided anything that indicates you have actual, admissible proof of his unfitness to parent them.

Absent the above, you are spinning your wheels thinking that you will not only gain custody, but be able to remove them from the country.

That is it, in a nutshell.
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