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Honking at road crew=picture taken, what the point?

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Senior Member
For those who have never tried to break up a protest like this, let me simply say that when you have to try and pry each and every one of those people apart people WILL get injured. The police WILL apply pain compliance techniques to separate people, they may even have to use batons to break their grips on one another. It also leads to injuries to officers as backs, arms and hands get screwed up when bending over and hauling these guys out for a few hours.

Ultimately these protests cost the cities money. The taxes paid by all the rest of us have to be diverted to pay for this response. Those funds are discretionary funds that have to be diverted from other sources to pay for the law enforcement response for all these events. The 'evil' corporations do not have to pay for it, we all do. Parks might go unrepaired, fire departments might close, street projects might be left unfinished, and recreation programs might close as a result. All of this is overtime that cities and states did not expect.

So, these protesters are succeeding only in exacerbating the already precarious fiscal situation of the local governments where they are conducting these mass sit-ins and riots.


Junior Member
While this board concept is good unfortunately people here post their person view regardless of what the law says or how it works in reality. I have yet to receive a warning, a ticket or anything else for honking at crew that were cutting down trees. So looks like everyone here that said you will get a ticket etc were wrong.

I lost password to my other account and don't have access to email so had to create new account.


Senior Member
While this board concept is good unfortunately people here post their person view regardless of what the law says or how it works in reality. I have yet to receive a warning, a ticket or anything else for honking at crew that were cutting down trees. So looks like everyone here that said you will get a ticket etc were wrong.

I lost password to my other account and don't have access to email so had to create new account.
Did anyone say you WOULD get a ticket?

I believe the concept was that you COULD get a ticket ... and you could. And, that you could behave like a grown up rather than an child.
Why on earth would you "always honk at road crews"?
It's illegal:

V C Section 27001 Use of Horns
Use of Horns

27001. (a) The driver of a motor vehicle when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation shall give audible warning with his horn.

(b) The horn shall not otherwise be used, except as a theft alarm system which operates as specified in Article 13 (commencing with Section 28085) of this chapter.​

While I suppose they could file a complaint and the police would come out and write you a ticket, I would find that unlikely. Perhaps they are going to create a "Rude Drivers of California" website?

While the statue is interesting ... 1st amendment rights to complain likely would crush an attempt to get a conviction over it.

Get a bullhorn and yell at them via that ... no difference +you get to say words like "get off your duff and open this road!"


Senior Member
While the statue is interesting ... 1st amendment rights to complain likely would crush an attempt to get a conviction over it.

Get a bullhorn and yell at them via that ... no difference +you get to say words like "get off your duff and open this road!"
Big difference ... in one case you are exercising speech, in the other you are operating a horn inside of a motor vehicle for an unintended and unlawful purpose.

You do not have a First Amendment right to honk your horn. If he wanted to yell something, sure - everyone is free to demonstrate how big an Adam Henry they are. Just don't use the horn.
You do not have a First Amendment right to honk your horn.
Here's a clue (and something that legislators don't comprehend): our RIGHTS supersede laws. To limit a right requires the very highest standard.

Honking your horn as a protest of gov't activities is 1000% protected by the First amendment.

While in some cases the honking of horns can be a civil or criminal matter; in respect to making/raising a complaint concerning gov't activites it cannot.


Senior Member
Nope, your rights are not universal when they infringe on the rights of others. It's the old "Is it legal to yell FIRE in a crowded movie house?" question. The rights of the others outweighs yours. You'll find that all these things like blowing horns, cell phone laws, rules on use of radio, etc... are all held as constitutional.

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