I also hope his lawyer has given him realistic expectations about just how much money he's going to end up with once everyone on "his side" is paid....his attorney included who has agreed to work via the magic contingency fee agreement....
SO Op, just how wealthy do you expect to end up with this one hmmm? I'm betting that you shouldnt get your hopes up too high for that "care for me for the rest of my life" payout.
Why are you here?
What the point of the discussion regarding the fees and recovery in this case is I am having a hard time accepting...since it seems to be aimed as simply being rude, judgmental or vindictive for a bit of gloating OP admits. It is also what I spoke of earlier regarding the unfortunate tendency of some in public forums like this to act like experts...or just plain (departing from my usual courteous behavior claim) ass-holes.
The fee agreement is his own business and i hope the OP ignores you. For your information and education the following were the specific life affecting results of the patient being given a lethal dose of narcotic after surgery:
My deficits are basically getting me fired from my job as an Air Traffic Contoller, I have to go out on disability because I can't see lines on the radar scope the same way I used to, I have problems initiating things ( my wife is making me write this) I have debilitating fatigue, I feel like I have to take a nap every early afternoon, I have a flat affect,and I have had a couple of seizures, which I am on 150 mg of Lamictal for. I also take wellbutrin to help with my mood and Provigil to help me try to stay awake during the day. All of these medications disqualify me from being an air traffic contoller. In fact the regional flight surgeon told me last week he was going to permanantly medically disqualify me because of the notes I've gotten from my doctors and neuropsychologists and the drugs I will be taking indefinitely. I will be losing $2 million worth of pay because i won't be able to work til I'm 65
Certainly this is a short list since all of these things affect EVERYTHING you can do in life. Would you be happy going through life with a daily struggle to do some of the simplest things..even driving? Do you think he would trade his old life for his current for ANY amount of money? OH yes, he is out to get rich...to take advantage of the system....to sue anybody who he can steal a buck from...how ignorant and nasty do you generally become, just for fun, with strangers on the internet?
As for the potential damages awarded they are in the multimillions, far in excess of his 2 million in lost wages alone....and he will get every penny of the accepted future care costs despite your baseless statement. He was treated horribly by the medical system through a horrible and major error.. He deserves every penny he gets and it still can't make up for the affect on him and his family.
As far as 'other' employment, his attorney will have him evaluated by an occupation physician/therapist and he will be classified permanently disable from any employment based on what he has described.
Attorney no limit fee issues have nothing to do with his already signed agreement. The agreement will state whether the % of atty fees is before or after costs of representation (experts, office costs, etc.). This is all very typical. What is also typical is this case among others which are awarded very large monetary damages. If you HAVE to be the victim of malpractice which can be well compensated for and almost sure to be successful...this would be one to choose.