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impugning income question

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OHiogal, I'm not trying to disrespect you, or say mean things. I just think you are harsh on me while downplaying my ex's dangerous abuse. It is very dangerous because a few minutes longer and I could have been dead. It doesn't take long when you are cutting off someone's air supply. You really downplayed that. That's what I took serious issue with.

Yes, again, I should not have hit him in the head or did all the other aggresive things I did. Now, I just want to get out of this and put this behind me. I don't want to lose my kids.

I am a credentialed school psychologist. I'm not a dead beat. If I were, would I have already put in 15-20 applications looking for a position? I intend to take the print out from edjoin and show the judge. Right now, I am and have been a substitute teacher. My salary tops out a 2k per month. Working everyday, that's all I can make as a sub.
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I recently spoke with an attorney and she said to ask the judge to impute the whole $155k he was making during his last year as a loan officer in 2003. He claims facial nerve damage and that the right side of his face hurts when he talks, but she said that's bogus. He talks to his kids, he talks to his relatives, he talks period. He has started his own pary jumper rental business where he estimates his income to be between 2 and 3k, well he has to talk to get clients, doesn't he? I hope the judge imputes him with the whole 155K a year. He's a liar and a cheat. Oh, and he has the gall to state on the response declaration that he is also applying for state disability. How does that work (scratching my head): he is employed in his own business and he wants to garner state unemployment at the same time? Hmmm.:p


Queen Bee
I recently spoke with an attorney and she said to ask the judge to impute the whole $155k he was making during his last year as a loan officer in 2003. He claims facial nerve damage and that the right side of his face hurts when he talks, but she said that's bogus. He talks to his kids, he talks to his relatives, he talks period. He has started his own pary jumper rental business where he estimates his income to be between 2 and 3k, well he has to talk to get clients, doesn't he? I hope the judge imputes him with the whole 155K a year. He's a liar and a cheat. Oh, and he has the gall to state on the response declaration that he is also applying for state disability. How does that work (scratching my head): he is employed in his own business and he wants to garner state unemployment at the same time? Hmmm.:p
And you are a violent wench. But okay then. He can apply for state disability. State disability is NOT the same as state unemployment. Good grief. When will you grow up and be an adult?


Senior Member
I recently spoke with an attorney and she said to ask the judge to impute the whole $155k he was making during his last year as a loan officer in 2003. He claims facial nerve damage and that the right side of his face hurts when he talks, but she said that's bogus. He talks to his kids, he talks to his relatives, he talks period. He has started his own pary jumper rental business where he estimates his income to be between 2 and 3k, well he has to talk to get clients, doesn't he? I hope the judge imputes him with the whole 155K a year.
What a bunch of bull.

Virtually NO loan originator will make anywhere near what they were making last year. That's the ones who are in perfect health. Half of loan products that used to be available are GONE, the market's in the toilet, many homes cannot appraise out at what they did a year ago, so the loans can't get written and closed. What rock has this attorney been hiding under to be so blissfully unaware of what is happening in the mortgage industry??????

Additionally, originating is selling. Many people, whether we like it or not, are simply UNCOMFORTABLE dealing with someone who has facial paralysis, speech impediments, etc. Neurological impairments DO affect ones ability in a sales and marketing job that requires that people CHOOSE to send their business to you rather than one of your zillion competitors. My dad had neurological damage, and was NEVER again able to achieve in sales what he could before he got sick. MANY people just don't handle interactions with stroke, neurological or brain damaged individuals well. When dealing with the public, it is THEIR choice who they do business with, and his capability may not matter if the client doesn't want to deal with him.
And you are a violent wench. But okay then. He can apply for state disability. State disability is NOT the same as state unemployment. Good grief. When will you grow up and be an adult?
And Ohiogal, you are NOT a professional-by any means. I cannot believe the moderator/s of this site will allow you to remain on here and verbally attack innocent posters, who come here for help, by calling them all kinds of evil names. You are pretty pathetic, dear.

I know what disability is, state or otherwise. He says he is disabled, but as started up a very physical business renting out party jumpers. That is a very physical business. He has to lug those big, heavy inflatable jumpers to and from various destinations, talk on the phone to market, talk on the phone to arrange pick-up and delivery and talk on the phone some more. Where's the disability?
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What a bunch of bull.

Virtually NO loan originator will make anywhere near what they were making last year. That's the ones who are in perfect health. Half of loan products that used to be available are GONE, the market's in the toilet, many homes cannot appraise out at what they did a year ago, so the loans can't get written and closed. What rock has this attorney been hiding under to be so blissfully unaware of what is happening in the mortgage industry??????

Additionally, originating is selling. Many people, whether we like it or not, are simply UNCOMFORTABLE dealing with someone who has facial paralysis, speech impediments, etc. Neurological impairments DO affect ones ability in a sales and marketing job that requires that people CHOOSE to send their business to you rather than one of your zillion competitors. My dad had neurological damage, and was NEVER again able to achieve in sales what he could before he got sick. MANY people just don't handle interactions with stroke, neurological or brain damaged individuals well. When dealing with the public, it is THEIR choice who they do business with, and his capability may not matter if the client doesn't want to deal with him.
Nextwife, with all due respect...The problem is that the ex is not willing to even try to make the income he was making, thus improving the lives of the children. He is voluntarily unemployed. His private disability cut him off because there is no disability present. Simple. Can you think of any other reason?

There is no facial paralysis, there is no speech impediment. He claims he has facial nerve damage on the right side of his face. Well, like my consulting attorney says, why can't he use the left side of this face??

And I need to correct you, when someone goes to a mortgage company it is NOT their choice who they deal with. They will be assigned a loan officer to work with by the company.


Senior Member
And Ohiogal, you are NOT a professional-by any means. I cannot believe the moderator/s of this site will allow you to remain on here and verbally attack innocent posters, who come here for help, by calling them all kinds of evil names. You are pretty pathetic, dear.
You have the nerve and unmitigated gall to call HER pathetic???? Pot, meet kettle. I have never once seen OG attack an "innocent" poster, so if you have, please give us an example. You are not one if that's what you are about to say... you are vile, full of games, violent and a horrible parent - as your posting history presents.
I know what disability is, state or otherwise. He says he is disabled, but as started up a very physical business renting out party jumpers. That is a very physical business. He has to lug those to and various destinations, talk on the phone to market, talk on the phone to arrange pick-up and delivery and talk on the phone some more. Where's the disability?
Where's your medical license? Who died and made YOU the disability God? I know people who have MS and are certifiably disabled that can still go to concerts and talk on the phone. Your point?


Senior Member
Nextwife, with all due respect...The problem is that the ex is not willing to even try to make the income he was making, thus improving the lives of the children. He is voluntarily unemployed. His private disability cut him off because there is no disability present. Simple. Can you think of any other reason?
Yeah, benefits ran out.
Yeah, benefits ran out.
Actually, on the response declaration the ex said he was cut off last month "unexpectantly". Can you explain that?

I have subpoened all conversations, all records, all payments from his "private disability insurance". Should be interesting...


Senior Member
Actually, on the response declaration the ex said he was cut off last month "unexpectantly". Can you explain that?

I have subpoened all conversations, all records, all payments from his "private disability insurance". Should be interesting...
Yeah, he didn't expect that the benefits ran out.... and I would just BET that the disability company is going to scream HIPAA violations all over the place... and you are going to be without your information.

Now, in case you didn't see my other post... you aren't going to get any useful help here, so perhaps you should continue to pay your attorney and ask your questions there.
Now, in case you didn't see my other post... you aren't going to get any useful help here, so perhaps you should continue to pay your attorney and ask your questions there.
Are you sure about that? Oooh, I'm so scared.

And his private disability company can scream all they want. A court of law is ordering the information, kwim?


Senior Member
Are you sure about that? Oooh, I'm so scared.

And his private disability company can scream all they want. A court of law is ordering the information, kwim?
Wrong!!! What you said was
I have subpoened all conversations, all records, all payments from his "private disability insurance".
See, when you talk to us, you're going to have to remember what you said... the court is not subpeoning information... you are. Oh.. and just because the court is issuing the subpeona, doesn't mean they are requesting it. They don't have a reason to... attorneys or individuals subpeona, judges don't. You have to bring the info TO the judge, he's not going to go get it for you. You're soooo smart.

Oh... and just like you have an attorney, so do they. Just because you cause a subpeona to be issued, doesn't mean they can't counter with a refusal based on a bunch of legal issues. Really, I hope your attorney is smarter than you are. They'll eat you alive.
Wrong!!! What you said was
See, when you talk to us, you're going to have to remember what you said... the court is not subpeoning information... you are. Oh.. and just because the court is issuing the subpeona, doesn't mean they are requesting it. They don't have a reason to... attorneys or individuals subpeona, judges don't. You have to bring the info TO the judge, he's not going to go get it for you. You're soooo smart.

Oh... and just like you have an attorney, so do they. Just because you cause a subpeona to be issued, doesn't mean they can't counter with a refusal based on a bunch of legal issues. Really, I hope your attorney is smarter than you are. They'll eat you alive.
Wow, you're so smart. YOu mean I'm the one issuing the subpeona??:p hahaha. You actually think I didn't know that (shaking my head).

Newsflash smartone: the ex doesn't have an attorney. :p

Next, I'll have the judge-want me to spell that?-order an independent evaluation by a doctor of the court's choosing. Wanna see how fast the ex's disability is healed?:)
Wrong!!! What you said was
See, when you talk to us, you're going to have to remember what you said... the court is not subpeoning information... you are. Oh.. and just because the court is issuing the subpeona, doesn't mean they are requesting it. They don't have a reason to... attorneys or individuals subpeona, judges don't. You have to bring the info TO the judge, he's not going to go get it for you. You're soooo smart.

Oh... and just like you have an attorney, so do they. Just because you cause a subpeona to be issued, doesn't mean they can't counter with a refusal based on a bunch of legal issues. Really, I hope your attorney is smarter than you are. They'll eat you alive.
Umm, courtclerk, reality check on your so-called "smarts". Actually, I only requested the subpoena. The court issued it. I don't have the authority. Oh, what? You didn't know that with all your intelligence? All. Day. Long.


enough of this, Actually you need to understand semantics, dear. And being so hung up on it like you are, doesn't bespeak of intelligence. Whatever. The ex is ordered to bring in the info. by a court of law. He is ordered. That is all that matters, kwim?
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Senior Member
Next, I'll have the judge-want me to spell that?-order an independent evaluation by a doctor of the court's choosing. Wanna see how fast the ex's disability is healed?:)
In your other posts, you're screaming about how broke you are. Who's going to pay for THAT? The judge? Oh wait... you have the checkbook to the court. I'll tell you what, why don't you give me your case number and we'll really see what's going on in your case?
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