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impugning income question

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Senior Member
Umm, courtclerk, reality check on your so-called "smarts". Actually, I only requested the subpoena. The court issued it. I don't have the authority. Oh, what? You didn't know that with all your intelligence? All. Day. Long.


enough of this, Actually you need to understand semantics, dear. And being so hung up on it like you are, doesn't bespeak of intelligence. Whatever. The ex is ordered to bring in the info. by a court of law. He is ordered. That is all that matters, kwim?
I'll tell you a secret. Courts issue subpeonas for litigants like I issue kleenex and candy to babies... and since people like you don't know what they're doing... usually what the court gets back is a letter that says... we don't have to comply with this because <fill in the blank>. But I'll tell you what. I'll let you have this one, because after all, like I keep reminding you (but you keep forgetting)... I'm lucky enough not to have your issues. You have to deal with it. I don't. You know it ALL... so much so that you're on here asking these questions. Go for it girl!!! Go!!!! We laugh at people like you all day long. People keep have to reminding me that you can't rationalize with the ignorant and irrational. All I can say is good luck to you... and I hope your ex is truly disabled.

In your other posts, you're screaming about how broke you are. Who's going to pay for THAT? The judge? Oh wait... you have the checkbook to the court. I'll tell you what, why don't you give me your case number and we'll really see what's going on in your case?
What's the matter, courtclerk. Do you now somehow feel "lowered"?

I mean, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but some of you on here should be deeply ashamed! Why are you here? You're not helping. Leave and let someone else step in. This is a joke.


Senior Member
I'll step in. You're a terrible mother, a horrible parent, abusive, and too busy talking bad about your ex to see just how horrible you yourself are. You don't treat your ex with any respect yet you're surprised when he reacts in kind. I feel very sorry for your children who have only your grotesque example to follow. You need anger management classes, parenting classes, and psychological counseling. Ick!


Senior Member
Coming from the likes of someone such as you, is that supposed to hurt?? LOL.

Oh, I forgot to add, you're the LAST person I'd ever want teaching my children. The type of example you'd set for a classful of children is not what any sane parent would want. You have no self control and can't take honest criticism or take responsibility for your mistakes and you are only interested in playing the victim (which you are not and never have been) in every situation you're in.
Again with the pre-teen level of insults. :rolleyes:

Go take a Motrin and get out and breathe fresh air. Or something. You're way past obnoxious and pathetic, moving briskly into the Just Stupid Zone.
Silverplum, your pathetic attempts at insults don't deserve a response. But, you really are stupid and low. That's pretty obvious. Why not indulge in that Thanksgiving shopping yourself, moron. What value are you adding to this advice message board? Answer: nothing You should be deeply ashamed! But people like you never are!


Senior Member
I understand that I was NOT acting mature. :( It feels like you are harsh with me, maybe I deserve that I don't know. If you knew what I went through with this man, you wold understand.

Do you think most of come out of our marriages unscathed?

I was unhappy for the whole 10 years of my marriage. Verbal, physical, psychological abuse constantly.

I don't think anyone of of left our marriages because things were great

The physical abuse came when I "challenged" him too much. On our second date, he looked across me at the restaurant table and said, "Look at your f*cking stomach! Don't eat those potatoes. Order some fruit". I was and am not overweight by any stretch of the imagination. I weigh 125 and my weight has fluctuated by only 5 pounds either way all my life.

2nd date and yet you married him and had children with him, so you created this bed that you had to lie on...

In 2004, at 6:00 am in the morning, I caught him taking his things out of our apartment., We were supposed to get a home for our kids to be raised in. Had agreed on it for years. The morning he left, he received his first commission check for $15,000 net money. By 9:00am that morning, he had opened up a new bank account-without my name on it- and arranged to move in with a roommate. When he came back that night to visit the kids and tell them he was moving out, I told him since he was leaving us and was making the big money now, I needed a 20% down payment to get us a house and for him to sign for it. He glared at me, and stood in our kitchen and called me a "greedy b*tch" in front of our two boys while I stood there and cried.

welcome to divorce.. why do you need a new house for the kids right away? move into an appartment.. seems like you wanted the 20% of the $15K more than anything

We never could save for anything, because he was always leaving and getting apartments and blowing our money. I raised his kids. Then when he hit it big and there was a chance for us to get a house, he took the money and left. I was smart enough to go back to school during this time and get my degrees.

Good for you, so now you are employable, you raised the kids that the "two of you" created.. what is the point of this whine?

I don't understand why you are defending him. If he got cut off from disability that means he is able to work. Or maybe not. I guess you think I shouldn't get any more payments from him when he sees his kids 2 days total out of a month.

who is defending who, we dont know you or the x from Adam? you are only getting facts here based on what you tell us.

whatever the case, I appreciate your advice because I need to be prepared when I go to court. I guess because I barely hit him, that is more important than the fact he almost killed me-by purposely smothering me. If I was dead would you feel different? Would you still feel I deserved it?
nobody condones domestic violence and not one poster on this forum feels that anyone deserves to be hit, if you were in an abusive relationship, you are getting out of it, and trying to move on with your life by getting a degree etc. And yes that is all the courts will consider, time to put away the "how could he have walked away, how I cried in front of my boys, how he took the $15 K, the dog and cat with him etc etc".. and focus on the legal aspects of visitation, CS etc.


Senior Member
What's the matter, courtclerk. Do you now somehow feel "lowered"?

I mean, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but some of you on here should be deeply ashamed! Why are you here? You're not helping. Leave and let someone else step in. This is a joke.

For the sake of your children and if you truly claim to be this educated professional, you need to drop this rage, belligerence and obsession with trying to destroy your x's life (regardless of how you feel about him). Get a job and start a new life, and stay away from yet another abuser. Your attitude is downright scary and in Court will come across as maybe not being the best parent for the boys..and all you will achieve with this rage is losing everything you have..the clock has struck 12 now!
nobody condones domestic violence and not one poster on this forum feels that anyone deserves to be hit, if you were in an abusive relationship, you are getting out of it, and trying to move on with your life by getting a degree etc. And yes that is all the courts will consider, time to put away the "how could he have walked away, how I cried in front of my boys, how he took the $15 K, the dog and cat with him etc etc".. and focus on the legal aspects of visitation, CS etc.
Profmum, with all due respect, Ohiogal has decreed me the bad guy, despite the fact that my ex choked, smothered me and abused me since day one of the marriage. That is really sick, and even though he lied to me about my income for 3 years, I'm still the bad guy.

Despite that, your reply is at least resonable and mature-unlike the others who should be deeply ashamed-so I will respond. Yes, we all need to get over our divorce, but when the ex has lied to me about his income while negotiating a child support/alimony amount on a marital stipulation and I can prove that by documents he sent to an apartment complex, why shouldn't I? He lied so therefore I deserve monetary sanctions. That's pretty cut and dried.
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