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Senior Member
Maybe someone in your hometown will sponsor a fund raiser in your behalf to help pay the costs for your trip. You could put a story in your local paper regarding your dilemma. How bout your church? They might help!
I would toss in a couple c's just to get her out of town if I lived there.

I think this person is completely a troll. If not, than I completely understand understand why both the husband and the docs have ditched her. What a pain in the ass with the constant foot-stamping and howling. OP, life is not Burger King and you cannot always have it your way.


I think this person is completely a troll. If not, than I completely understand understand why both the husband and the docs have ditched her. What a pain in the ass with the constant foot-stamping and howling. OP, life is not Burger King and you cannot always have it your way.
I feel for the kids caught in the middle of this mess! Her ex most likely doesn't want to see the kids for fear of having to deal with her never ending problems.


If she would just go to a mental health professional, and repeat all these stories over, and over to him or her, I'll bet they would gladly pay for her trip. She may not even have to pay for the counseling sessions!


Senior Member
If she would just go to a mental health professional, and repeat all these stories over, and over to him or her, I'll bet they would gladly pay for her trip. She may not even have to pay for the counseling sessions!
good tip.

You listening Lisa? There is your treatment method.

(just don;t tell her the "trip" won;t be to Boston but she will probably get all the meds she needs where she does go.)


Senior Member
I'm not "making excuses"...reality is reality. My insurance won't cover any part of the cost of the appointment with Dr. Bajwa. (and if you think that I'm stupid enough to give you my plan #, think again!!!!!!!! It's YOUR intelligence that I'm questioning for asking!) So, how do I come up with $1800...wait, that was 4 years ago, it's probably more like $2000 now?...plus all the other costs involved? Everyone keeps telling me to "just do it!" but no one has given me any GOOD suggestions as to HOW?
She could stop paying the mortgage on that other house. She could file for contempt of court and get her money from her ex that's she's been waiting so long for. She could sell a few things around the house. She could ask her parents.


That's right, it's not your responsibility. But still you sit there and tell me to "just do it." I knew, long before I ever posted here, that going back to Boston and Dr. Bajwa, would be one way to solve this dilema but since that is IMPOSSIBLE, I came here looking for an alternative...and yet, even though this IS an advice website, I have yet to be given any advice (other than "GO TO BOSTON!") that might be a possible solution! And because it is MY FAULT that the "professionals" who are supposedly here to to lend advice, share their wisdom and experience, continue to suggest an IMPOSSIBLE SOLUTION, I have a mental problem. Some of you here believe that you are some sort of genius or god and that no one should doubt or question your flawless wisdom. And when someone can legitimately "shoot down" your suggestions, your ONLY comeback is predictably the same, over and over again. I've read countless posts, in every category, and it is the same everywhere. When one of you "professionals" is challenged or your "wisdom" has been exhausted, you turn to the "you need therapy...you have mental problems" explanation to defend your lack of knowlege and your unwillingness to admit that you REALLY DON'T know it ALL. It would be so refreshing to read..."Im stumped" or "I will do a little more research to see if there might be another option" or a simple "that's all I can come up with right now, so I'll go and let someone else give it a try" instead to continuing to "PUSH" your advice and suggestions when you've been told (and KNOW) that that option isn't feasible. Some people, other than those "professionals" here, DO know a thing or two, especially about our own situations, and I just wish that we were given enough respect that, even though you might think you know the whole story and what we SHOULD DO, you would BELIEVE us when we tell you that the option you've suggested is not feasible. But NO, it's easier to tell a complete stranger that they're crazy than it is to admit that you might not KNOW IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have many challenges in my life right now and I've come here thinking that I might find some answers to some of those challenges but when I didn't respond to your suggestions in the way you thought I should (since you know every aspect and detail that could possibly influence those suggestions) I was, in not so many words, accused of being crazy. For being knowlegable and wise individuals, some of you are the most closed-minded, egotistical, inflexible and heartless (I'm not here for sympathy but sometimes it takes the ability to empathize with a person in order to make a COMPLETELY INFORMED decision or suggestion) people I've come in "contact" with.

So, go make yourselves feel important by telling others that they have no brain, need mental help, are drug addicts or the host of other uninformed opinions you are so eager to offer.

Just Blue

Senior Member
Did you 2 read the thread where the OP said that he was sorry for fair's wife?!?!?!?!:D
Yeah...I actually had some schmuck think I was a guy!! I mean...COME ON!! There is NO ambiguity in the name baystateGIRL!!:rolleyes:

(hey...I did a spell check and actually got ambiguity right!! woohoo...dyslexia=0/ Bay=1 :cool:)


Senior Member
You're more than welcome to pay for the same advice.

Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

You seem to continue to shoot down every single suggestion that you are being offered. None of them are good enough.

It is not IMPOSSIBLE for you to go to Boston. Improbable, maybe, but NOT impossible. Maybe you need to start with the dictionary. You bring in $7300/month, but can't pay for a single trip. You need to re-prioritize. I've missed a few mortgage payments because I had to pay for my daughter's medical care. Which is more important? Your CREDIT (which you seem to value more greatly) or your health. If it is your credit, then you will do nothing about your health.

Since you are expecting people to pull remedies for your poor, poor situation, you get to now pay for your advice - or get it elsewhere. No amount of whining on your part is going to change any of the facts.

I wish you well.

Just Blue

Senior Member
That's right, it's not your responsibility. But still you sit there and tell me to "just do it." I knew, long before I ever posted here, that going back to Boston and Dr. Bajwa, would be one way to solve this dilema but since that is IMPOSSIBLE, I came here looking for an alternative...and yet, even though this IS an advice website, I have yet to be given any advice (other than "GO TO BOSTON!") that might be a possible solution! And because it is MY FAULT that the "professionals" who are supposedly here to to lend advice, share their wisdom and experience, continue to suggest an IMPOSSIBLE SOLUTION, I have a mental problem. Some of you here believe that you are some sort of genius or god and that no one should doubt or question your flawless wisdom. And when someone can legitimately "shoot down" your suggestions, your ONLY comeback is predictably the same, over and over again. I've read countless posts, in every category, and it is the same everywhere. When one of you "professionals" is challenged or your "wisdom" has been exhausted, you turn to the "you need therapy...you have mental problems" explanation to defend your lack of knowlege and your unwillingness to admit that you REALLY DON'T know it ALL. It would be so refreshing to read..."Im stumped" or "I will do a little more research to see if there might be another option" or a simple "that's all I can come up with right now, so I'll go and let someone else give it a try" instead to continuing to "PUSH" your advice and suggestions when you've been told (and KNOW) that that option isn't feasible. Some people, other than those "professionals" here, DO know a thing or two, especially about our own situations, and I just wish that we were given enough respect that, even though you might think you know the whole story and what we SHOULD DO, you would BELIEVE us when we tell you that the option you've suggested is not feasible. But NO, it's easier to tell a complete stranger that they're crazy than it is to admit that you might not KNOW IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have many challenges in my life right now and I've come here thinking that I might find some answers to some of those challenges but when I didn't respond to your suggestions in the way you thought I should (since you know every aspect and detail that could possibly influence those suggestions) I was, in not so many words, accused of being crazy. For being knowlegable and wise individuals, some of you are the most closed-minded, egotistical, inflexible and heartless (I'm not here for sympathy but sometimes it takes the ability to empathize with a person in order to make a COMPLETELY INFORMED decision or suggestion) people I've come in "contact" with.

So, go make yourselves feel important by telling others that they have no brain, need mental help, are drug addicts or the host of other uninformed opinions you are so eager to offer.

I used to have a signature line that read "People hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest"...It is a line from a Simon and Garfunkel song..."The Boxer"...I have always thought it was one of the most TRUE things I have ever heard. You have validated my opinion.
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