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Senior Member
So, go make yourselves feel important by telling others that they have no brain, need mental help, are drug addicts or the host of other uninformed opinions you are so eager to offer.

You want an answer that is not there yet you will not accept that. If you are so damn smart, then why are you asking US what to do.

After a point, I admit I gave up and simply stuck around for the fun. You have a problem and it has nothing to do with a migraine. I gave you answers, then you added info that would make those suggestions improbable to effect. That is your fault, not mine.

You still have done nothing to eliminate my suggestion of calling the doc in Boston and speaking with him. That would be a pretty cheap fix if he can help from Boston with somebody close to you but you simply ignored that possibility, so go live with your headache, you have been enough of one to me that I will retire from this thread.

by the way, I do not claim to be a proffessional anything other than an internet junkie that wastes far too much of my time on people like you that have no gratitude for all the assistance you were offered. You are the most umappreciative person I have dealt with in a long time.


That's right, it's not your responsibility. But still you sit there and tell me to "just do it." I knew, long before I ever posted here, that going back to Boston and Dr. Bajwa, would be one way to solve this dilema but since that is IMPOSSIBLE, I came here looking for an alternative...and yet, even though this IS an advice website, I have yet to be given any advice (other than "GO TO BOSTON!") that might be a possible solution! And because it is MY FAULT that the "professionals" who are supposedly here to to lend advice, share their wisdom and experience, continue to suggest an IMPOSSIBLE SOLUTION, I have a mental problem. Some of you here believe that you are some sort of genius or god and that no one should doubt or question your flawless wisdom. And when someone can legitimately "shoot down" your suggestions, your ONLY comeback is predictably the same, over and over again. I've read countless posts, in every category, and it is the same everywhere. When one of you "professionals" is challenged or your "wisdom" has been exhausted, you turn to the "you need therapy...you have mental problems" explanation to defend your lack of knowlege and your unwillingness to admit that you REALLY DON'T know it ALL. It would be so refreshing to read..."Im stumped" or "I will do a little more research to see if there might be another option" or a simple "that's all I can come up with right now, so I'll go and let someone else give it a try" instead to continuing to "PUSH" your advice and suggestions when you've been told (and KNOW) that that option isn't feasible. Some people, other than those "professionals" here, DO know a thing or two, especially about our own situations, and I just wish that we were given enough respect that, even though you might think you know the whole story and what we SHOULD DO, you would BELIEVE us when we tell you that the option you've suggested is not feasible. But NO, it's easier to tell a complete stranger that they're crazy than it is to admit that you might not KNOW IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have many challenges in my life right now and I've come here thinking that I might find some answers to some of those challenges but when I didn't respond to your suggestions in the way you thought I should (since you know every aspect and detail that could possibly influence those suggestions) I was, in not so many words, accused of being crazy. For being knowlegable and wise individuals, some of you are the most closed-minded, egotistical, inflexible and heartless (I'm not here for sympathy but sometimes it takes the ability to empathize with a person in order to make a COMPLETELY INFORMED decision or suggestion) people I've come in "contact" with.

So, go make yourselves feel important by telling others that they have no brain, need mental help, are drug addicts or the host of other uninformed opinions you are so eager to offer.
It's all about receiving advice! It's a Free Advice Forum! Where does it state that everyone giving advice are "professionals"? Maybe some of us have either been in simular situations as the posters, or just want to help.
Some posters such as yourself just want to drag a thread on and on until you read what you want to hear from an adviser. Some are looking for a way to sue someone, a get rich quick scheme rather then to have to work! Some just want to complain about any and everything. How the heck do we know what is an impossible solution for you, and what isn't ?
The legal advisers told you, you couldn't sue the doctor for refusing to give you the meds you want ! I thought my advice was good concerning a fund raiser to fund your trip to Boston. Why is that impossible? Put your story in the newspaper! You have no problem posting it on here. Maybe people will help you if they read your story. Why is this impossible? Where there is a will, there is always a way! People can't begin to help someone who won't help themself! Also, the part about you receiving help from a mental professional may help you. Thats not intended to insult you, it's the truth! Then again you don't want to hear anything such as this!
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Senior Member
Is anyone else here getting the impression that OP has some kind of mental illness?
Yes, she seems to be in some of the deepest, delusional denial I have ever seen. Take her utter refusal to admit (even after having admittedly gone through detox) that doctors will not prescribe narcotics to her because she is a narcotics addict. She insists over and over again that all of the doctors acknowledge it is the best treatment for her despite clear evidence to the contrary. She claims it is just selfishness that prevents them from giving her the narcotics she wants. She has created a story about a doctor who is the only one who can save her, yet she gets angrier and angrier when people say she should find a way to see him. She embellishes with more and more "details" (the very late mention of three - three! - back surgeries) when confronted with a reasonable suggestion in order to to try to justify or bolster her position.

I feel for her kids. There is mental illness in my family, but I didn't have to deal with these kinds of problems with a parent when I was growing up.


I'm a Northern Girl
She overlooks the fact that this is a LEGAL information forum. She got her legal answer. Now she wants us to give her fundraising suggestions. Well, sorry, but that's not LEGAL information. Outside the scope of the forum, kiddo. Try Dear Abby.


Queen Bee
I'm not "making excuses"...reality is reality. My insurance won't cover any part of the cost of the appointment with Dr. Bajwa. (and if you think that I'm stupid enough to give you my plan #, think again!!!!!!!! It's YOUR intelligence that I'm questioning for asking!) So, how do I come up with $1800...wait, that was 4 years ago, it's probably more like $2000 now?...plus all the other costs involved? Everyone keeps telling me to "just do it!" but no one has given me any GOOD suggestions as to HOW?
Use some of the six grand you get in child support and alimony and save five hundred dollars a month. learn to budget. Learn to QUIT whining and whimpering and blaming the world. As I told you before -- grow some balls and use a brain (I would say use your brain but maybe borrowing someone's for a while might work better) to figure it out and grow up. You want a pity party. No one here is going to give you one.
so sad

You know, when you get down to it, I see people like this in the ER all the time and it is very SAD SAD SAD. Her life revolves around the drugs ad she is out of options on how to get her hands on them. Thus her anger and resentment. I stand by my original port, the first response she got. She is being offered treatment, just not the treatment she wants. There is no lawsuit there. Sorry.

You Are Guilty

Senior Member
Not to stray too far off point, but I too have a similar problem. For years, I've suffered with the pain and suffering of IHS (incredible hangnail syndrome). I've also been to many, many doctors and multiple hospitals seeking treatment, all to no avail. Tradional methods of treatment (tylenol, hypnosis, nail clippers) just don't work. Amazingly, after 3 years, having 8 children, 19 back surgeries, and 9 maids a milking, after reading an article in the "Highlights" in his office, Dr. Seuss at Guam General finally was able to control my pain via a precise mixture of anadrol, pop rocks and meth. However, I cannot return to Guam because just seeing that name makes me break out in hives (a whole 'nother post).

If I can't find a doctor to proscribe my roid pop rock ****tail here in the states, can I sue the OP? Thanks in advance!


Is anyone else here getting the impression that OP has some kind of mental illness? :(
Definitely. Is "victimitis" mental or physical?

In all her countless problems in her countless threads she has been given countless solutions, none of which she will even consider if they're not the specific solution she is seeking. Disagree with her, and within three posts she will melt down into a screaming hissy fit.

Even specific excuses she uses are flip-flopped to suit her most current argument. She wants to sue her ex to raise her alimony. She's told she's better off suing for contempt. She counters that she can't sue for contempt because her husband owns everyone in sight and she is the local pariah (but suing for alimony would be okay??). It is suggested that if that is the case, maybe her self-employment in such a hostile environment isn't such a good idea. Then she counters that, no, her business will be fine because actually not everyone hates her after all.

She is right, everyone else is wrong. She has excuses for everything, arguments for everything, even if it means she has to contradict herself. If she were to be told that Tinkerbell could magically appear and give her something for her migraines but it would not be this particular drug she wants, she'd say she's allergic to fairy dust.

Bottom line: this woman can not be helped because she will not be helped.


Senior Member
If she were to be told that Tinkerbell could magically appear and give her something for her migraines but it would not be this particular drug she wants, she'd say she's allergic to fairy dust.

Bottom line: this woman can not be helped because she will not be helped.

Tinker, over here, Tinker. Come here, girl!


I've been reminded that this is a LEGAL forum. So sorry that I forgot that for a minute while I was sorting through ALL THE NON-LEGAL OPINIONS so many of you have offered. Actually, I believe that some of YOU have forgotten that fact! I've brought up 2 specific LEGAL and FACT based issues and have yet to receive a response.

In my post #16, I asked if I had the right to know WHY my FP wasn't comfortable with prescribing this med...and las365's answer (#17) was "NO." When I returned with evidence (#37) from a website concerning a Patient's Bill of Rights, NOT ONE PERSON MADE A COMMENT!
Maybe YOU are doing what I've been accused of..."hearing" ONLY what you want to hear!!!

Next, in my post #32 I've provided an extremely small sampling of articles, all containing information from Dr. Bajwa, which support my statement about the possibility that Nubain might be "the only and best treatment" for me. Again, are some of you only "hearing what you want to hear?" Why no comments about EXTREMELY PERTIENT INFORMATION???

Now for justalayman's FALSE ACCUSATION that I am adding important information, after the fact. BEFORE YOU WRITE, MAKE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my post #37, I TOLD you that my insurance would NOT pay for any part of an appointment with Dr. Bajwa!
**But I'M the one who refuses to listen to you! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the 3 back surgeries...I just assumed that most of you picked that up in my other thread!!!

You know, I've been told, several times, that my posts are too long and then, even though it was YOUR mistake, not MINE, I'm accused of not providing ENOUGH information. Maybe you should seek some help for that nasty little problem you're experiencing with your inability to retain information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For cbg, would you like to tell me where, in MY posts, did I ask for "fundraising" ideas?

Now, I've been accused of not considering ANY OF YOUR BRILLIANT IDEAS. ***WRONG*** I've considered every suggestion that's been made AND I've given you reasons and proof that have supported my responses..."it's not feasible." It's most of you here who are having mental issues (and I don't mean intelligence.) When someone comes along and tells you, proves to you, that your ideas are NOT practical, instead of backing off or doing a bit of research for a possible alternative, you start "defending" your unreasonable suggestions by trying to prove to others that I'm crazy****************************.....
AND ALL BECAUSE I HAVEN'T TREATED YOUR IDEAS AS "THE WORD OF GOD!" How sad!!! And, while I've been told that my only purpose here is to get attention and sympathy, let me say that, I BELIEVE THAT MOST OF YOU ARE HERE TO PROVE HOW BRILLIANT YOU (think you) ARE...TO CHALLENGE THE KNOWLEGE OF OTHER "THRILL SEEKERS" (you admitted, justalayman, that you're here now, "just for fun"...talk about mental illness!) WHO ARE ONLY USING THIS FORUM AS A COVER. As I've said before, for a "help" resource, most of you are worthless. Look back at some others' questions...the miniscule amount of GOOD, REASONABLE, FACT-BASED information you provide is completely over-shadowed by the ill-informed, opinion-based BS that seems to be the source of "fun" for many of you. Talk about sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if someone would like to address my LEGAL question concerning my right to receive an explanation from my FP as to why she is not "comfortable" with continuing the treatment program that Dr. Bajwa started and still endorses, I would be more than happy to listen. I, unlike some of YOU, DO "hear" everything...good, bad...agree with


I've been reminded that this is a LEGAL forum. So sorry that I forgot that for a minute while I was sorting through ALL THE NON-LEGAL OPINIONS so many of you have offered. Actually, I believe that some of YOU have forgotten that fact! I've brought up 2 specific LEGAL and FACT based issues and have yet to receive a response.

In my post #16, I asked if I had the right to know WHY my FP wasn't comfortable with prescribing this med...and las365's answer (#17) was "NO." When I returned with evidence (#37) from a website concerning a Patient's Bill of Rights, NOT ONE PERSON MADE A COMMENT!
Maybe YOU are doing what I've been accused of..."hearing" ONLY what you want to hear!!!

Next, in my post #32 I've provided an extremely small sampling of articles, all containing information from Dr. Bajwa, which support my statement about the possibility that Nubain might be "the only and best treatment" for me. Again, are some of you only "hearing what you want to hear?" Why no comments about EXTREMELY PERTIENT INFORMATION???

Now for justalayman's FALSE ACCUSATION that I am adding important information, after the fact. BEFORE YOU WRITE, MAKE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my post #37, I TOLD you that my insurance would NOT pay for any part of an appointment with Dr. Bajwa!
**But I'M the one who refuses to listen to you! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I've been told, several times, that my posts are too long and then, even though it was YOUR mistake, not MINE, I'm accused of not providing ENOUGH information. Maybe you should seek some help for that nasty little problem you're experiencing with your inability to retain information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the 3 back surgeries...I just assumed that most of you picked that up in my other thread!!!

Now, I've been accused of refusing to consider any of the BRILLIANT suggestions some of you have, so generously, offered here. I HAVE considered EVERYTHING that has been written here and have stated, over and over again, and proven that these ideas are NOT feasible. But, because I haven't bowed down, kissed your feet and taken your advice as "the word of God," I'm accused of being crazy. And, I've also been accused of being here for attention and sympathy. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!JUST GOOD SENSIBLE ADVICE***that pertains to the issues I've raised. I do question, though, why some of YOU are here. It's my belief that the reason is...most of you are trying to prove how BRILLIANT (you think) you are and to play "who's wittier than who." As a "help" resource, most of those I've encountered here are worthless. Look at the miniscule amount of "help"...real help that is offered throughout these forums and compare that to the amount of ill-informed, opinion-based BS that so many have tried to pass off as "legal advice." If you were really here because of a true desire to provide aid, you would, after being told (and proven) that your suggestions are not practical, either step back or "step up" and try to help find an alternative answer. But, you continue to defend your "wisdom" by announcing that, anyone who disagrees with you, challenges you, must have a "mental illness." And, THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ADMITTED TO BEING HERE "JUST FOR FUN" aren't SICK???????????? Yeah, like feeding off of, and getting your "jollies" from other people's problems is a perfectly SANE use of your time and "talent??????????????????"

Now, if someone would like to address my LEGAL question concerning my right, and the procedure to follow, in order to receive an explanation from my FP as to why she is not "comfortable" with continuing the treatment program that Dr. Bajwa started and still endorses, I would be more than happy to listen. I, unlike some of YOU, DO "hear" everything...good, bad...agree with, disagree with...fact, BS.
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