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Junior Member
because he is our child, as is our daughter and we love him, as we do our daughter and it is our responsibility to proctect him the same as it is our responsibility to protect our daughter.


Senior Member
One incident did happen in Ohio. But my daughter was 13 at that time. Her step brother was 16 at that time.
The charge of felony come in due to the fact that the first incident happened when my daughter was under 13. Which from what i understand makes it a felony. But that crime ( at under age 13) happened in Indiana, not Ohio. The crime that occured in Ohio, would be considered a misdemeanor, ( because she was over 13) if they only considered the crime that happened in Ohio.
What you seem to fail to understand is that if he has been charged in Ohio, SOMEONE there (the police, the DA, a judge) agrees that his actions in Ohio amounted to a felony.

Time to speak with an attorney. oh, and do NOT get the story from your son because you can be made to testify against him.

And I do hope the girl has now been protected from this predator by being separated by a great distance from him. if not, then WHY not?


Under the Radar Member
because he is our child, as is our daughter and we love him, as we do our daughter and it is our responsibility to proctect him the same as it is our responsibility to protect our daughter.
Uuuuh, no. Sorry. It is HIS Dad & Mom's responsibility to protect him. It is YOUR and her Dad's responsibility to protect your daughter. Do you still live together? Does your child have to endure being in his presence every day? What the heck is wrong with you? I would be out of there with my kid in a heartbeat - and not give a flying nutria rat's butt about his legal issues. His Dad can deal with his legal and mental issues. But he would never have an opportunity to lay a hand on my daughter again. That's if he had usable hands left after I, her Dad and her brother got done. Let alone anything to touch. :mad:


Junior Member
You can condem people all you choose to, however, unless faced with this situation, you can not predict how you would react.
Let's pray that you never have a step-child, as you would obviously never be able to love someone elses child as you do your own.
And, not that it matters, but the childrens "real" other parents are deceased.


Senior Member
You can condem people all you choose to, however, unless faced with this situation, you can not predict how you would react.
Let's pray that you never have a step-child, as you would obviously never be able to love someone elses child as you do your own.
And, not that it matters, but the childrens "real" other parents are deceased.
Then who are the children's "real" legal guardians?


Senior Member
lets rephrase. can the state of ohio charge a 16 year old for a crime that took place in the state of Indiana.
This is Ohio's Criminal law jurisdiction. Yes it is possible OH could charge him with a crime that took place in IN, but not with the facts you have laid out. I am assuming there are no surprises which gives OH criminal law jurisdiction.


By GSI, I assume you mean Gross sexual imposition, which at minimum, yes, is a Felony 4.

At present without researching, I do not know if he can be tried/bound over as an adult, I do not think so.
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Senior Member
You can condem people all you choose to, however, unless faced with this situation, you can not predict how you would react.
Let's pray that you never have a step-child, as you would obviously never be able to love someone elses child as you do your own.
And, not that it matters, but the childrens "real" other parents are deceased.
I've never been faced with the situation of someone threatening my daughter's life, but I'm 100% sure that if I WERE faced with that situation, my first reaction would not be to do nothing.

And, yes, the same thing applies to my step-daughters. But if the step-daughters were the ones endangering my daughter, they'd be out the door with their Mom in a heartbeat.


Senior Member
You can condem people all you choose to, however, unless faced with this situation, you can not predict how you would react.
Let's pray that you never have a step-child, as you would obviously never be able to love someone elses child as you do your own.
And, not that it matters, but the childrens "real" other parents are deceased.
Are we to assume, then, that you continue to allow your daughter to remain in the same home with her abuser? if so, you might be surprised if child services shows up to remove the girl due to your failure to protect her Moving from state to state to avoid the situation can only work for so long before they catch up to you. Understand that there is a national database for child abuse and when/if your name pops up in another state, they will have full access to any prior reports as well. If you choose not to protect your child, then the state may be forced to do it for you ... and prosecute you ta boot.


Junior Member
are you people serious?
If you comment on an issue, you should read the intire thing, not just a line or two and start making assumptions that, in you opinion, give you the right to try to degrade parents.
Havent you been told to never assume anything. When you do so, you appear foolish. Your words of condemnation only spew from your mouth to spread your hate. That is not necessary, nor helpful to anyone.


Senior Member
are you people serious?
If you comment on an issue, you should read the intire thing, not just a line or two and start making assumptions that, in you opinion, give you the right to try to degrade parents.
Havent you been told to never assume anything. When you do so, you appear foolish. Your words of condemnation only spew from your mouth to spread your hate. That is not necessary, nor helpful to anyone.
Yes, we read it ... where you wrote this:

3 weeks ago my 13 year old daugher made accuations that her 16 year old step brother (we all live together) had grapped her hand on several occasions and tried to get her to touch is penis.​
Then you go on to make a statement that essentially appears to admit that the acts did, indeed, take place:

One incident did happen in Ohio. But my daughter was 13 at that time. Her step brother was 16 at that time.
The charge of felony come in due to the fact that the first incident happened when my daughter was under 13. Which from what i understand makes it a felony. But that crime ( at under age 13) happened in Indiana, not Ohio. The crime that occured in Ohio, would be considered a misdemeanor, ( because she was over 13) if they only considered the crime that happened in Ohio.​
So, tell me, where did we miss out on something?

Again, I ask, what have you done to assure your daughter's safety? Has she received counseling?


Junior Member
Am I supposed to assume that since you have asked, you are concerned about the welfare of my daughter? Really?
Perhaps you should be concerned for the welfare of your own children. Are they forced to see this hatred spewing from you on a daily basis?


Senior Member
Am I supposed to assume that since you have asked, you are concerned about the welfare of my daughter? Really?
Perhaps you should be concerned for the welfare of your own children. Are they forced to see this hatred spewing from you on a daily basis?
Wow, has ANYONE ever accused Cdw of spewing hatred??

This is a new one for me, and btw I just don't see it.


Senior Member
Am I supposed to assume that since you have asked, you are concerned about the welfare of my daughter? Really?
Actually, I am. Shall I outline my work and experience in the area of juvenile crimes and sex offenses?

Perhaps you should be concerned for the welfare of your own children. Are they forced to see this hatred spewing from you on a daily basis?
Please cite ANY "hatred" I have spewed here. Any at all.

I advocate safety for children. When you have a minor child being victimized in her own home, and you have at least one parent who APPEARS to be condoning, accepting, or concealing this activity, that is an activity I can "hate."

You may not like to hear the law, but there it is. We do take children from homes where sexual predation occurs and the parents are failing to take action to protect the minor child. If that is hatred, so be it.

From your own typed words, your 16 year old stepson has apparently committed a forced sexual act upon your 13 year old daughter. You have a legal and moral obligation to protect her from harm. To fail to do so places you and any other responsible adult in legal jeopardy.

Then, of course, there is the physical and psychological well-being of your daughter - two things you seem to want to dismiss in favor of your stepson. SHE is the one who has apparently been victimized here, and SHE is the one who needs some help lest this series of events scar her for life. I can point you to resources that spell out the damage that sexual abuse can do and some of the many consequences of a failure to address the psychological ramifications of in-home, family molestation.

If we are mistaken, and your daughter has been separated from her attacker and is protected, then by all means let us know! Since you have thus far made no such comment, it leaves us little reason to believe that your daughter is safe. And THAT is reprehensible!


Senior Member
Wow, has ANYONE ever accused Cdw of spewing hatred??

This is a new one for me, and btw I just don't see it.

No kidding! :eek:

OP, seriously - you have been answered by one of the most knowledgeable, fair-minded, unbiased and respected responders on this entire forum.

You would do well to heed his words, and perhaps temper your indignation with a modicum of respect towards the volunteers who are trying to offer their sage advice.


Senior Member
because he is our child, as is our daughter and we love him, as we do our daughter and it is our responsibility to proctect him the same as it is our responsibility to protect our daughter.
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...

you've GOT to be kidding me.
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