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Meeting at the police barraks

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What is the name of your state? Kentucky

:( I was just wondering what to do about an unfair legal system....

My son's Dads Mom was pushing him to take me to court to meet them at the state police barraks instead of them coming to my house to get my son so they took me to court on this subject...
we went into court and I explained to the judge how i just had gotton my lisence and no vehichle no way of getting back and forth to any where the only way i get out to get things done is when his dad comes to get me and take me to get things done.. and i give him gas money...
I explained that they live 9 miles from me and they live 16 to the state police barraks and i live 20 miles from the state police barraks.. he asked my sons dad if this was stopping his visitation, he said no that they had been going to my house to get him for this
the visitations are set every weekend. every saturday and every other sunday. I had explained to the judge that i did not have the reliability to get him there. about a month later i recived a notice saying i would have to meet him there. what do i do now. i can't get a job b/c i have no way to get back and forth to one. so how can i get this resolved. the court system hates me. as my sons dad explained to me. and that i would lose every battle that goes in front of them.. when i had talked to the child support officer she would hang up on me.. please let me know how i can make things fair for the both of us. cause if i do not go to the police barraks on visitation days i will go to jail the head of the child support office told me this.. I have no way to get him there at all, what can i do?


Under the Radar Member
You have no friends or family or resources to buy a beater? 'Cause you're going to need to find transportation. What if your child is sick and you need to get him/her to the doctor immediately?
My sister live next door but she has 2 step daughters ages 5 and 9 and a new born 5 months and a husband who drives a druck she had a dodge truck that eats gas and has game meets and back and forth visitation her self from the two girls mom. me and my sister never gets along. the rest of my family is in iraq or gone w/ the military or have two kids of there own and has no time to even go to watch a movie my sister said if it was an emergency and she had the extra gas my mom can use her truck and would have to repalce the gas i just got my lisence not too long ago no one will let me any where near there vehicle. my sister said she has no time to help me out. and the court system knows her and already knows this and everything else that pertains to me not haveing the reliability to get him there. i live 20 miles outside of city limits theres no way i can get him back and forth 2 - 4 times every weekend... how can i get this stoped so i wont go to jail. they said if i don't find a way to get there i will go to jail and worse, ( like getting my son taken away from me for not following court orders) even when i don't have a way to.... :(


Senior Member
nicole_1005 said:
My sister live next door but she has 2 step daughters ages 5 and 9 and a new born 5 months and a husband who drives a druck she had a dodge truck that eats gas and has game meets and back and forth visitation her self from the two girls mom. me and my sister never gets along. the rest of my family is in iraq or gone w/ the military or have two kids of there own and has no time to even go to watch a movie my sister said if it was an emergency and she had the extra gas my mom can use her truck and would have to repalce the gas i just got my lisence not too long ago no one will let me any where near there vehicle. my sister said she has no time to help me out. and the court system knows her and already knows this and everything else that pertains to me not haveing the reliability to get him there. i live 20 miles outside of city limits theres no way i can get him back and forth 2 - 4 times every weekend... how can i get this stoped so i wont go to jail. they said if i don't find a way to get there i will go to jail and worse, ( like getting my son taken away from me for not following court orders) even when i don't have a way to.... :(
I am sorry, but you are going to have to find a way.


Under the Radar Member
The long and the short of it is that you are going to have to find a way to get a cheap used car and minimal insurance. Both so you can meet the obligation the court has set for you and so that you can get a job. You might consider contacting someone like the Salvation Army to see if they have any ideas for you as well.
only money i receive is the child support i have no car to get back and forth to work and to job to get the money for a car and if i spend the money to get a junker it'll take the money for his winter close and diper and wipes as well as bills to keep the house...


Under the Radar Member
Then you may just have to move somewhere that is more affordable and convenient. But you are just as responsible as he is to help support the child, and I suspect that is one reason why the judge ruled as he did - to force you to start doing so.


Senior Member
stealth2 said:
Then you may just have to move somewhere that is more affordable and convenient. But you are just as responsible as he is to help support the child, and I suspect that is one reason why the judge ruled as he did - to force you to start doing so.

I agree with this, maybe you should move into town so that way if worst comes to worst you can at least walk your child to the station and yourself to work, or use public transportation if available.
You may not agree with this, but perhaps you should consider giving your ex custody for awhile until you get on your feet. If you are so broke that you can't get a car or a job, then chances are you are also having difficulty caring for your children. Rather than using the taxpayers money to provide for your child, why don't you let the child live with dad so that at least if some emergency happens he can get to the hospital.
there is no way i would even consider giving my son up at all or even spend a day without seeing him... !!@!! i live with my mom outside of city limits and i have an app in for an appartment in town but i still couln't walk through a 4 lane road with no traffic light near... or two miles into town with my son in the winter... and as for the emergency i have explained that... we are together at the moment... me and his dad but they still took me too court i guess just to prove to me that i won't win at anything....

maybe it's just me but this sounds like psychological abuse.

any takers??

do you mind if I ask your age??

good luck.
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i'm 19 got pregnant at 17 had him at 18
we dated for two years i got pregnant he left 8 weeks in it saying i messed up his life. it's been over three years now and we have been dating again for about two months


Senior Member
you have been dating him again for 2 months and yet he still could let go of momma's apron strings and drop the foolish exchange point when you guys already had a system that was working????

I am here to tell you from experience, that unless he enforces some boundaries with his mother and what is her business and what is NOT her business, then nothing good will EVER come of trying to have a relationship with him, you might as well get out now.
My problem If I get out of this relationship I will go to jail by not having the support of getting to the State police barraks. he wants to drop child support but not mess with anything else in the courts.. the courts have always sided with them I'll never have a chance. i have my apartment I should be getting soon on low income but from my chil support If i drop the CS I can't get closer to town... He said that he would take me back and forth to work ( last time I worked was when i was pregnant i worked for three weeks we were together he was taking back and forth and i had pregnacy complications so my boss sent me home he would not pick me up istead he went home and went to bed left me sitting there for five hours untill i could finnaly get a ride home. I learned from the frist mistake on that one... it's really complicating I would love to find a way out...' and his mom will never stay out of our buisness i couldn't tell you how many times she broke us up the three weeks later try to get us back together over and over she done that.

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