Finally got served yesterday
I was just served yesterday afternoon. My ex still hasn't been served. She has his incorrect address in North Carolina. Again, my first hearing is on 9/19/12, which is less than 2 weeks away. I'm pretty confused as to what she is actually requesting because on one Memo it states she is requesting visitation/companionship rights and on a completely different Memo she is requesting custody (and on one Memo it states she is filing for Custody AND Companionship). The part I am having a hard time with is that she is LYING. On her petition she states that she was our daughter's PRIMARY caregiver from the time she was born until January 2004. Obviously I have proof stating the opposite, although we did live with her for a short time after my divorce because when my ex and I separated. She did pay for my daughter's daycare for a year, but it was like paying a bill...she didn't take care of her by all means. She was married to my dad at that time, so I'm positive my dad would testify that she is lying too. She never claimed her on her taxes or anything. There are so many ways I can prove she wasn't her caregiver.
The other issues has mentioned are ridiculous. She says I have had multiple evictions and am unstable. I have had ONE eviction, and it was discharged with my bankruptcy in Jan. 2008. She also mentions an arrest I had in 2004 for drugs. I was arrested in 2004 because of a roomate, basically it was the wrong place at the wrong time kind of deal (she was in the passenger seat of my car), but that was immediately dismissed against me...there was no trial or anything. And besides, my ex husband was aware of it at the time. That's it. Because of the eviction thing and the arrest she is stating she is requesting custody? Also, she admits in her petition that she has not had any regular or significant visitation with her since January 2004, and hasn't seen our daughter since 2009.
This is what is included: Notice of two hearings (one on 9/19 and 9/24). Notice for HER to take MY deposition on 9/27, and attached to that is a request for me to bring financial information, lease agreements, copy of my pay stubs, health insurance, copies of prescriptions and list of medications, character statements that I plan to use as evidence and copy of registration to my motor vehicles and watercrafts. The next is a request for me to produce documents so she can inspect them - again asking for all of my bank accounts, loan applications (approved and denied), tax returns, living expenses, credit card statements and a list of witnesses, lease agreements and prescriptions. Then are the list of interrogatories (OhioGal, there is not a way for me to submit those electronically like you mentioned). The next is a motion for a GAL, then a motion for Temp Orders.
Motion to Modify Parental Rights ~ this is where she says that the environment is in my daughter's best interest (because of the "multiple evictions and the arrest in 2004 that was dismissed). Last Motion is for her to be Joined as a Defendant (with my Ex).
All of these are directed at me, nothing for my Ex. What should I do next? Sorry for all of the info, I just wanted to ensure I was thorough.