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--PARIDISE-- said:
No, I don't. They are two seperate animals. I expose her on her own posts, I did not start this post.

I'm not going any further with this, go tell someone else who will be offended that they look like an ass.
Paridise...when you are good...you are good. I have no qualms with you at all except this obsession you have.

But c'mon when 6 posts out of every page of your past posts are dedicated to Kelly...There is a definate problem. Or at least an obsession.

Who cares about her posts? Like I said there where colorful and persistant 'personalities' before you arrived here, and there will be plenty after we are both gone.

ALL OF THEM give false info and tend to annoy regular members as well as senior members.

Why waste your energy? They all fade in time. Giving them attention doesn't do any good, but encourage them to come back.

And..I know you well enough to know that me telling you that you were "showing your ass" didn't offend you. ;)


Senior Member
stealth2 said:
Sticky - you're wasting your typing.
Did I start this thread? Hmm, all I stated was that I didn't think Raven was her. I also said that no one can dictate what others do her, including Kelly and You. Bash away.


Senior Member
I know I'm late to the game here, but has anyone REPORTED this new poster? Mary IS able to check and see if the new poster is Kelly by checking IP addresses. She's done it for me before more than once.

Just keep getting the psycho banned and let it go already.


Senior Member
newmommy20, for f sake! Do you get some kind of sick kick of watching what you have created?

CLOSE THIS F-ING WASTE OF A THREAD AND GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KID!!!!! Be a frikkin role model and undo this joke of a thread!


Senior Member
Veronica1228 said:
I know I'm late to the game here, but has anyone REPORTED this new poster? Mary IS able to check and see if the new poster is Kelly by checking IP addresses. She's done it for me before more than once.

Just keep getting the psycho banned and let it go already.
Good to hear, hopefully she will be gone for good.

OH! And Stealth and Zippy? Read the link and see how many times I posted, and what I said. You may want to take notice of you being a poster on that thread Stealth.


I'm done with this post, Hugs Lady V, I'm back to watching the playoffs.


Senior Member
baystategirl said:
Oh dear! I don't know if I should feel disturbed ...or complemented.... :confused: :eek: :cool:
Pleased dear. When hubby is happy, I'm happy. Why be disturbed if I benefitted from it?


Under the Radar Member
--PARIDISE-- said:
Good to hear, hopefully she will be gone for good.

OH! And Stealth and Zippy? Read the link and see how many times I posted, and what I said. You may want to take notice of you being a poster on that thread Stealth.


I'm done with this post, Hugs Lady V, I'm back to watching the playoffs.
Darlin' - I'm not the one who stalks Kelly all over the boards. Constantly. Sure, I may make a comment now and again. But not to every blessed post. Like, uuhh, you do.


Senior Member
stealth2 said:
Darlin' - I'm not the one who stalks Kelly all over the boards. Constantly. Sure, I may make a comment now and again. But not to every blessed post. Like, uuhh, you do.
I'm just going to say that in this thread that when I first answered that I didn't know it was Kelly. I don't believe that you did either. We simply noticed that sabrina had asked a question and then slapped another step for asking the same question.
AHA said:
newmommy20, for f sake! Do you get some kind of sick kick of watching what you have created?

CLOSE THIS F-ING WASTE OF A THREAD AND GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KID!!!!! Be a frikkin role model and undo this joke of a thread!

for your info i have not been on all day n if i knew people would actually go w/ it i wouldnt have wrote it i considered it a lighter side of the sometimes somber mood here..... I appoligize to all who are offended just goofin round i really didnt expect people to pay much mind again sorry
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