Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't been back to answer the question. My grandmother passed away and I was out of town for her funeral. My grandmother was this man's niece. (actually, great niece as I miscounted the generations when asking the question.
The man was Sam Bass. The train robbery was and remains the largest train robbery of the Union Pacific. Nobody knows what happened to all of the gold, although my great grandmother (his niece) supposedly had a gold coin that he had given her. He used to just show up and spend the night at their family home (in Shamrock. I'm really not kidding about that) and she always marveled that he would sleep with his boots on, his hat covering his face, and with his gun in his hand. I'm sure the stories are much more romantic now than they were in reality, but still....I used to beg my G.G. to tell me the stories. Apparently, he had a huge streak of chivalry. One paritcular story is that he and his gang robbed a train (not making much...) and came upon a veteran who was missing one leg. His men were taking everyone's weapons, but Sam refused to take the disabled man's gun because he thought it was wrong to send a disabled man unarmed across the country. Ladies were also known to
give him their jewery
in addition to what he was stealing. Funnily enough, before his life of crime, he worked for the sherriff.