I sent the guy an email with the advertisement, the info on both company web sites and a picture of the house. They seem to feel differently than you, thankfully. As to sueing me I have not mentioned eithers name and even if I did you are completely wrong. As long as I tell the story exactly as it has happened I can name names and speak my mind as I see fit. I can start a web sight and scream to high heaven it is with in my rights so if you think that is going to frighten me your wrong. Do you think it is illegal? Is it illegal for the woman that started the web sight outing the mistress of their husbands with pictures? Nope it isn't. Tell the truth and there is nothing they can do. BTW I never said I was rich. Go reread it all, never did I say I was rich. You inferred that when you took sides and went right on the defensive side with out merit.so what is the truth? You have never actually stated anything anybody did wrong. Since you claim to be rich, you would make a great target for a defamation suit.
or sue you for many thousands of dollars.
as to the statement from the feds; if you told them what you posted here, they did not tell you that. Nothing you have posted here is in violation of any laws, rules, or requirements of the law.
They advertised they sell maching doors. They don't, period. That my friend is deceptive. The comments about they can advertise anything they want is a total crook. Truth in advertising is one of the consumer affairs biggest complaints and the reason they exist.