Exactly. Sometimes one stays put because they have family obligations in a certain geographic area. That is what I told my then fiance - move here, I am not moving. Your fiance might want to consider making this less difficult and trying to find an acceptable position near you. Maximum money is NOT a replacement for a parent or other important family. My hubby could make a LOT more in certain cities (cities that we have no desire to reside in), but in the end, having family around is MORE important than driving a better car and living in a bigger house.
Your child is used to having Daddy around. He is there just as much as you. What if he said "I'm getting married to someone really far away and moving OUR child there?" You'd think "What a selfish b*****d. My child needs to see me regularly. His marriage is NOT more important than my daughter's emotional well-being" Kids should not have one parent ripped out of their daily lives like that to advance the job prospects of a steppparent..