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Just Blue

Senior Member
JETX said:
My comment stands.... as does my Constitutional right to say it.... and yours to disagree with it.

In this case, the writer played the 'race card'... not me. She said "As for the white "cone hat" I'm black you dumb ass."
Who says that blacks can't wear white 'cone hats'?? Or that whites can't wear black 'cone hats'??

I think this hypersensitivity to comments shows the true 'rascist'... if one exists.
Thats bull and you know it! ...Her comments about her color were in regards to a post by AHA that she misunderstood! .....

Are you such a small person that you can't admit that you made a dumb "joke", apologize and move on?


Senior Member
JETX said:
If you are offended by my statement, it is your problem, not mine. Each of us has the Constitutional right to say what we want (barring specific actions). My comment stands.... as does my Constitutional right to say it.... and yours to disagree with it.

In this case, the writer played the 'race card'... not me. She said "As for the white "cone hat" I'm black you dumb ass."
Who says that blacks can't wear white 'cone hats'?? Or that whites can't wear black 'cone hats'??

I think this hypersensitivity to comments shows the true 'rascist'... if one exists.

I am not sure a card was being pulled. I am not sure what just happened.

If you were my lawyer I guess I would want you on my side because you do not back down... however...

to have you as a personal friend, I am glad I do not have to make that decision.

I am getting off the computer now, a little dejected about some things, but heckfire... Nobody said the world was perfect except maybe Garp.


Hey Bob -

You should go and serve on jury duty instead of being a lazy POS. Or maybe you should move to another country with your child molester friend.

I can't stand people that complain about everything wrong in this country. If you don't like it, LEAVE. No one is making you stay.


Senior Member
baystategirl said:
Thats bull and you know it! ...
What is BULLCRAP is your apparent belief that I don't have the right to say what I want.... and that your 'feelings' somehow supercede my rights.

Her comments about her color were in regards to a post by AHA that she misunderstood! .....
No they weren't.... and you can't speak for what someone elses response was about.

Are you such a small person that you can't admit that you made a dumb "joke", apologize and move on?
Nope. My statement wasn't a joke. It was what I truly feel. The pathetic thing here is that you somehow don't believe I have the right to say it... or that I am too timid to stand behind what I say. :eek:

You have your opinion... I have mine.

Tell you what, darlin'.
I fought and killed for OUR right to say what I believe... and for you to disagree with me. If you think that I did it just I could be forced to be silent in my belief's, then you need to rethink what Liberty and Freedom mean to YOU. :eek:


Senior Member
ENASNI said:
I am not sure a card was being pulled. I am not sure what just happened.

If you were my lawyer I guess I would want you on my side because you do not back down... however...

to have you as a personal friend, I am glad I do not have to make that decision.
And I am sorry to hear that you are so narrow minded that you only surround yourself with people who agree with YOUR narrow mind.

Like I just said in another post, LOTS of us (men and women) have fought, killed and died to protect YOUR right to your opinion (called FREEDOM). For you to now somehow polute that right to only allow YOUR thinking... is a shame.

I say what I believe.... and believe what I say. Sorry that you feel 'dejected'.... but that is another of your FREEDOMS. :D

Oh, and while we are on the subject.... yep, JURY DUTY is just another small price to pay for our FREEDOM!! :eek:

Just Blue

Senior Member
JETX said:
What is BULLCRAP is your apparent belief that I don't have the right to say what I want.... and that your 'feelings' somehow supercede my rights.

No they weren't.... and you can't speak for what someone elses response was about.

Nope. My statement wasn't a joke. It was what I truly feel. The pathetic thing here is that you somehow don't believe I have the right to say it... or that I am too timid to stand behind what I say. :eek:

You have your opinion... I have mine.

Tell you what, darlin'.
I fought and killed for OUR right to say what I believe... and for you to disagree with me. If you think that I did it just I could be forced to be silent in my belief's, then you need to rethink what Liberty and Freedom mean to YOU. :eek:

Nope! I would NEVER try and dictate what someone says or believes....And if this is what you believe ...well...God bless ya honey! :(


Senior Member
Folks, if y'all don't like patently offensive remarks or completely idiotic statements, then don't read anything on this forum. There are lots of other boards to post on.

This is America, after all. Freedom of speech covers unpopular speech...otherwise, why have that freedom?

(If anyone wants to see bitter rancor over legal opinions, read Supreme Court decisions.)

Just a thought or two....


Senior Member
JETX said:
And I am sorry to hear that you are so narrow minded that you only surround yourself with people who agree with YOUR narrow mind.

Like I just said in another post, LOTS of us (men and women) have fought, killed and died to protect YOUR right to your opinion (called FREEDOM). For you to now somehow polute that right to only allow YOUR thinking... is a shame.

I say what I believe.... and believe what I say. Sorry that you feel 'dejected'.... but that is another of your FREEDOMS. :D

Oh, and while we are on the subject.... yep, JURY DUTY is just another small price to pay for our FREEDOM!! :eek:
While it's true that you have the freedom to say and think anything you want I agree with Enasni. It is beyond me why anyone, particularly someone who is supposed to be intelligent and educated, would want to make a racist remark like the one that you made. To suggest that the poster of course HAD to be black because she lives a certain lifestyle and is a victim of domestic abuse is unconscionable. I really did expect better from you.

Also, I too would not surround myself with racist friends. Racism is the epitome of narrow mindedness so I don't agree that being friends with a racist is equal to being open minded. I prefer to have friends that I don't have to be embarrassed about if we are out in a public place or feel like I have to cringe every time they open their mouths.

That's just my opinon.

garrula lingua

Senior Member
Seniorjudge is right.

This is America;
....who was it ? Patrick Henry? paraphrased, it's:
I may not agree with that statement, but I'll defend to the death your right to make it.
garrula lingua said:
Seniorjudge is right.

This is America;
....who was it ? Patrick Henry? paraphrased, it's:
I may not agree with that statement, but I'll defend to the death your right to make it.

The quote is generally attributed to Voltaire.


Senior Member
garrula lingua said:
Seniorjudge is right.

This is America;
....who was it ? Patrick Henry? paraphrased, it's:
I may not agree with that statement, but I'll defend to the death your right to make it.
This is besides the point and frustrates me about people who make remarks like this. Instead of defending the content of the statement, they defend the action of making the statement. :rolleyes:

garrula lingua

Senior Member
That is entirely the point.

No muzzles allowed.

Freedom of speech rules. No one was advocating a crime.

I accept the fact that people think (& joke) differently than I do.

I'm not the values police, nor am I the humor police.


Senior Member
garrula lingua said:
That is entirely the point.

No muzzles allowed.

Freedom of speech rules. No one was advocating a crime.

I accept the fact that people think (& joke) differently than I do.

I'm not the values police, nor am I the humor police.
No, once again you are wrong. Not once have I said that anyone should or should not make remarks like this. My question is "why" would you want to feel that way. I'm not trying to muzzle anyone, I'm simply trying to find out why Jetx is a big ol' racist.

YOU are trying to muzzle ME.


Senior Member
First, with total disregard as to the other discussions on this thread, I would like to first say: Thank you and to all others the following quote would apply to. I do appreciate the efforts put forth in defense of my rights.
JETX: I fought and killed for OUR right to say what I believe... and for you to disagree with me.
In defense of your position here, I would like to add that one of the rights we are afforded is the right to be racist if that is what one desires to strive to become.

Now, here is a clip of the TOS of this website. JETX, your post definitely falls under restricted posting. (not that he is the only one, I too am not an angel at all times. (just don't want the pot meet kettle thing here.))
You agree that you will NOT post any knowingly false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or threatening message.
So although your statement below is generally correct, as an attorney, and a very bright man as well, you should understand better than most that your post is NOT protected by your constitutional rights. This is a privately owned forum and, unless you are one of the owners, are required to follow the TOS the same as any other here.
If you are offended by my statement, it is your problem, not mine. Each of us has the Constitutional right to say what we want (barring specific actions). My comment stands.... as does my Constitutional right to say it.... and yours to disagree with it.
Now with that said, I look forward to your postings in general because of the prior mentioned attributes you posses.
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