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question jury duty

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Junior Member
Dunce caps,white hoods they all stand for stupidity

AHA said:
I guess I opened a can of worms. Interesting!!:eek: :eek:
Okay guys I'm back.I know you did'nt miss me and I wont stay long. I just have to say sorry because it seems I am the one who opened the can of worms.I posted a silly comment about jury duty on someones thread not expecting anyone to even notice.But I obviously ruffeled a few feathers.I was told by a friend to say those things to get out of jury duty but I dont really hate anyone.I do however stand by my comments about not trusting them. I have never had a good experince with them but I dont hate them.That said I have a confession to make, I'm not black :) I'm a tall white chic with blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm as white as they come as a matter of fact.I said I was black because I thought the comment made about the cone hat was ignorant and I wanted to make him feel stupid. I guess I exposed some other ignorant folks in the process.But I do thank everyone who took a stand on the subject, you showed an example of character and you should be proud of yourself.And just to clear some things up I have to say I have not been abused my whole life just once for like 2 months about 10 years ago.And as for my life style it is really quite g rated.I'm a single mom and I work as an inclusion teacher for disabled pre schoolers. I live in an apartment in my dads house.So yes not so exciting but not bad either. So for now I will put my "cop hating" lawn party on hold and step up and be the bigger person here.SORRY if I offended anyone with my jury duty post it was not my intention to do so_One last thing in my OPINION it is much easier to "stand behind" your comments when you do it from behind your key board that way you dont have to face anyone.I think they call that being a coward.I think we could all learn some lessons here, think before you speak and dont make assumptions based on loose facts or opinion because most of the time your wrong.I thought all lawyers knew that.Good day everyone and thank you for your time.


Senior Member
AHA said:
Apparently so, and I hate the stench of fish**************..:(
ANTI-FISHEST!!! I knew there was something that I didn't like about you!!!

Seriously, those people who have to go around applying labels to others... are the ones with the problem.


Senior Member
Veronica1228 said:
First of all, no one is a "rascist" because it's spelled r-a-c-i-s-t. Learn how to spell.
You nitwit!!! It is spelled both ways... though racist is the more common.

Secondly, I called YOU a racist because of the remark you made.
And I call YOU a racist... since you seem to be one with the racist attitude.

You said that you knew the other poster was black because of her life style and actions.
Actually, that is NOT what I said. Get rid of your racist phobia and re-read EXACTLY what I said.

Now I am asking you to defend your remark.
I don't have to defend my OPINION to you... or anyone else. When you have been a police officer for as long as I was.... you get a distinct sense of the types of environments out there. And yes, you can often tell the 'flavor' (chocolate, caramel, vanilla, or any other flavor) of the likely suspect based on the type of call, time of day, location, etc.

Not your right to make that remark because we all know you have the right to make it, no one is questioning that.
But see, darlin', that is the PRINCIPAL of the issue. I have the FREEDOM to say whatever I damn well please.... just as you have the FREEDOM to consider me a racist. And yes, based on your hyperventilating on this issue.... I could consider YOU a racist. So what??

I am asking you to defend the CONTENT of your remark which appears to be racist.
And again, I don't have to defend myself to you.... or your convoluted misapplication of social mores.

If I have misunderstood your implication then I will immediately apologize, but so far all we've gotten from you is a lot of blathering about your Constitutional rights which were never in doubt.[/qutoe]
I don't need, or expect, your apology.

So, come on. Enough double talk and grand standing. Commit to something and explain your comment.
Darlin', if you will read my posts in this thread... even you should be able to comprehend that I feel very comfortable with my 'committments'. :D


Junior Member
X cop so that explains it

JETX said:
You nitwit!!! It is spelled both ways... though racist is the more common.

And I call YOU a racist... since you seem to be one with the racist attitude.

Actually, that is NOT what I said. Get rid of your racist phobia and re-read EXACTLY what I said.

I don't have to defend my OPINION to you... or anyone else. When you have been a police officer for as long as I was.... you get a distinct sense of the types of environments out there. And yes, you can often tell the 'flavor' (chocolate, caramel, vanilla, or any other flavor) of the likely suspect based on the type of call, time of day, location, etc.

But see, darlin', that is the PRINCIPAL of the issue. I have the FREEDOM to say whatever I damn well please.... just as you have the FREEDOM to consider me a racist. And yes, based on your hyperventilating on this issue.... I could consider YOU a racist. So what??

And again, I don't have to defend myself to you.... or your convoluted misapplication of social mores.

If I have misunderstood your implication then I will immediately apologize, but so far all we've gotten from you is a lot of blathering about your Constitutional rights which were never in doubt.[/qutoe]
I don't need, or expect, your apology.

Darlin', if you will read my posts in this thread... even you should be able to comprehend that I feel very comfortable with my 'committments'. :D
Okay jetx based on what seems to be your very racist and some what sexist (darlin) attitude I'm guessing your flavor is knukle dragging cave man.Would I be correct in my statement?I believe eventhough you say you you dont have to defend yourself that is exactly what your doing.If you were really confident in your opinion you would step down from the soap box and let Veronica have her own opinion.I'm sorry to say but you are really quite transparent,by caling Veronica a racist you are doing whats called blame shifting. Your tring to get the negitive attention off of yourself and put onto her.Not the actions of a confident person who is "comfortable" with his/her "committments". Thats all;)


Senior Member
JETX said:
You nitwit!!! It is spelled both ways... though racist is the more common.

And I call YOU a racist... since you seem to be one with the racist attitude.

Actually, that is NOT what I said. Get rid of your racist phobia and re-read EXACTLY what I said.

I don't have to defend my OPINION to you... or anyone else. When you have been a police officer for as long as I was.... you get a distinct sense of the types of environments out there. And yes, you can often tell the 'flavor' (chocolate, caramel, vanilla, or any other flavor) of the likely suspect based on the type of call, time of day, location, etc.

But see, darlin', that is the PRINCIPAL of the issue. I have the FREEDOM to say whatever I damn well please.... just as you have the FREEDOM to consider me a racist. And yes, based on your hyperventilating on this issue.... I could consider YOU a racist. So what??

And again, I don't have to defend myself to you.... or your convoluted misapplication of social mores.

I don't need, or expect, your apology.

Darlin', if you will read my posts in this thread... even you should be able to comprehend that I feel very comfortable with my 'committments'. :D
Nitwit? Oh, that is funny and pathetic at the same time. According to ALL of the online dictionarys, including Oxford, and my spell checker, "rascist" is not a word, you moron. From the link you provided it appears to be filled with links of people who can't spell and people who are possibly trying to combine the words "racist" and "fascist". If you want to win an argument try doing a little further research before you respond, buttercup. :rolleyes:

Now please explain to me how I have a racist attitude, buttercup. I have not made any derogatory remarks against any race of people. I would really like to know how I am a racist, buttercup. What I am is a person who is very interested in civil rights and I don't like to see anyone discriminated, persecuted, or even insulted for their heritage or skin color, buttercup. Even as a joke. I did read exactly what you said, buttercup, and I will post it below along with the post that prompted your comment.
Iris27 said:
I'm black you dumb ass.
JETX said:
We could tell that by the 'life style' you complain about.... and your actions. :D
Did I miss something? When someone pronounces their race and you then make a statement about preconceived notions, it seems pretty obvious to me what you were saying, buttercup.

Here's a little tip for you. If you don't want to be called a racist then refrain from making racist comments, buttercup. :cool:


Junior Member
right on darlin

Veronica1228 said:
Nitwit? Oh, that is funny and pathetic at the same time. According to ALL of the online dictionarys, including Oxford, and my spell checker, "rascist" is not a word, you moron. From the link you provided it appears to be filled with links of people who can't spell and people who are possibly trying to combine the words "racist" and "fascist". If you want to win an argument try doing a little further research before you respond, buttercup. :rolleyes:

Now please explain to me how I have a racist attitude, buttercup. I have not made any derogatory remarks against any race of people. I would really like to know how I am a racist, buttercup. What I am is a person who is very interested in civil rights and I don't like to see anyone discriminated, persecuted, or even insulted for their heritage or skin color, buttercup. Even as a joke. I did read exactly what you said, buttercup, and I will post it below along with the post that prompted your comment.

Did I miss something? When someone pronounces their race and you then make a statement about preconceived notions, it seems pretty obvious to me what you were saying, buttercup.

Here's a little tip for you. If you don't want to be called a racist then refrain from making racist comments, buttercup. :cool:
Very well said.Can I also add that being a racist cuts you off from many different cultures of people, all of whom have so many things to teach us including tolorence and understanding.Its not so much the vicims of racisim that suffer as much as it is the racists. I feel sorry for ignorant people.


Senior Member
You Are Guilty said:
Good god, that joke is older than JETX :p

"One is a filthy, dirty, bottom-feeder and the other is a fish."
Sorry, never heard that one before. I guess I've been fortunate enough to not have to deal with all that many attorneys in my life. :D
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