It's a long one. But to cut it down to bare bones, the ssibs (#3, B11 and #4, G8) are much favored over our two (#1, B14 and #2, about to G12) by all accounts. As an example...All 4 kids are expected to clean their rooms before coming to breakfast in the morning on weekends. All #4 has to do is cry MOMMY! DADDY #2 messed up my side of the room! and #2 is told to go clean it up before she has breakfast. No explanations, nothing. And while #2 can be a handful - it's not her style. #1 accidentally grabbed a PS2 game that was #3's one w/e and brought it home. When he realized it, he called his Dad and said we'd mail it back. He first got a tongue-lashing for stealing from his sbro and was then punished the next time they were there. Want me to go on?