justthestepmpm said:
I don't think Shay is the only one who wants to know what the story is with the boy molesting his sister. This is a very serious matter, but you have been rather vague about it. Why? Does the Aunt know he molested his sister? What did your husband do when he learned that his son molested his sister? These are fair questions.
I'd like to know too. First she comes here to ask advice, yet when she gets advice she doesn't want to hear, she gets all bent out of shape and starts in with "well, you don't know the WHOLE story" and "don't judge when you don't know all the facts".
Well, GIVE US THE FACTS ALREADY! The only reason I can think of to NOT give the whole story is the fact that it won't make her and dad look any better or it would make them sound like WORSE parents then they already do. It's not a one sided thing either. MOM is no better then dad & SM.