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Sometimes I Just Don't Understand

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Oh yeah you can. I found on my Ex's that she is a proud parent but then only has pictures of her, her Moster of a husband and their two kids with title's like "always in love" and "my presious boys". Not one mention of our two kids anywhere. Nice huh? I printed it all to use in court if need be.
Just be glad she's not posting your children out there in NetLand for EVERYONE to see...find the good...find the good;)

yeah...i agree about not posting kids on myspace...there's this commercial about how once online images are online anyone can see them....thats scary...who wants some pedofile (however you spell that!) looking at your kids?! DONT THINK SO!
myspace has been myfriend... how else would i find out my stepson got a tattoo saying: "Born to be: Free and Independent" i was laughing for days when he called his dad the very night he got the tattoo complaining that he couldn't afford to pay for his cell phone (my husband had turned it off - SS wasn't holding up his end of the bargain and mowing the lawn to pay for the phone, not to mention the overages he was racking up, you'd think 1000 text messages a month would be plenty, but he seemed to need 1500...) heck, i still get a good chuckle out of it! we joke about adding an " *but i still want your money" to the tat while he isn't looking... heehee
myspace has been myfriend... how else would i find out my stepson got a tattoo saying: "Born to be: Free and Independent" i was laughing for days when he called his dad the very night he got the tattoo complaining that he couldn't afford to pay for his cell phone (my husband had turned it off - SS wasn't holding up his end of the bargain and mowing the lawn to pay for the phone, not to mention the overages he was racking up, you'd think 1000 text messages a month would be plenty, but he seemed to need 1500...) heck, i still get a good chuckle out of it! we joke about adding an " *but i still want your money" to the tat while he isn't looking... heehee
LOL yeah its funny......hope he realizes Tats are like diamonds...FOREVER...i neglected to realize that when I got one on the back of my neck...now I'm growing out my hair to keep it covered....in 20 years the dolphin will look like a beached whale! LOL :D


I'm gonna apologize ahead of time because I'm just venting**************....

Earlier I was playing on myspace, and I found a bulletin for a New Year's survey my ex posted, and apparently his one drunken mistake for the year he said and I quote was 'having sex with....ME'......

Granted it was a mistake I have no idea why, but this infuriates me to no end...i guess because this is the guy who wants to take my child from me, yet he views him as a mistake......GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Sorry, just letting off some steam....
Bet he wasn't thinking that when he was doing ya!
Holy CRAP! I just found The Ex's:rolleyes: myspace account. But I cant see it, it's "private"

I agree, ignore the moron...
that's easy, just cut out a really hot picture, make your profile extremely interesting, oh and being an attorney might fascinate her at this point, then sign up and ask to be her friend. WA LA. . . . . oh, wait . . . that would be against the TOS, and we all know that going against the TOS will make you go to the devil.
Bet he wasn't thinking that when he was doing ya!
the thing i didnt understand was he was drunk only ONE time...after that...sober every time!!.....and at the time the baby was conceived, he was SOBER!!!! I know this because he quit drinking while we were together!


the thing i didnt understand was he was drunk only ONE time...after that...sober every time!!.....and at the time the baby was conceived, he was SOBER!!!! I know this because he quit drinking while we were together!
Peanut Hun, I know it is hard but you have to not let it get to you. Who cares what he thinks or posts on myspace?? You need to worry about bigger issues like, are you getting the proper nutrition and enough sleep. I KNOW IT SUCKS BTDT way too many times.

Try to remember being happy is the BEST revenge!


the thing i didnt understand was he was drunk only ONE time...after that...sober every time!!.....and at the time the baby was conceived, he was SOBER!!!! I know this because he quit drinking while we were together!
You have got to let it go and not care. My sons father told me to my face and the counselor we were forced to go see by the courts that he regret ever sleeping with me because I am a fat cow and who would sleep with a fat hussy like me. I cried and it hurt. That was 5 years ago. It doesn't matter, really. I wasn't fat and I knew it. He just hated me and used whatever words that support his hate for me more to get at me, or to make him feel better. IFact is if I was so fat why did he date me for a year and a half and have lots of sex with me during that time? Who knows, don't care.

So let it go. DOn't let it get to you. Get over him.
For the most part I am happy....happier than I've been in a long time because being with the X...i've nicked him GOOBER....taught me to stand up for what I believe in NO MATTER WHAT because if you don't stand up for yourself...WHO WILL? It's taught me that in order for me to be happy with someone, first I must be happy with myself, and most importantly, he's given me this miracle that even if he doesn't cherish, I will for all of my life.....


Senior Member
You have got to let it go and not care. My sons father told me to my face and the counselor we were forced to go see by the courts that he regret ever sleeping with me because I am a fat cow and who would sleep with a fat hussy like me. I cried and it hurt. That was 5 years ago. It doesn't matter, really. I wasn't fat and I knew it. He just hated me and used whatever words that support his hate for me more to get at me, or to make him feel better. IFact is if I was so fat why did he date me for a year and a half and have lots of sex with me during that time? Who knows, don't care.

So let it go. DOn't let it get to you. Get over him.
You are so right, Halls.

Peanut, let him go be the doofus he was meant to be.


Senior Member
i spy on my nieces on myspace!
I spied, for an entire year, on the youngest's girlfriend. While he was in the Marines, she was having, er, an enormous amount of dirty-bad fun, and posting it on MySpace. :rolleyes:

I was fascinated/disgusted/amazed by her boldness, and determined that The Young Man find out exactly who this little slut really was. Turned out, he was watching, too...and *I* never had to say a word. ;) :p :D


thanks and I plan to...only thing I have against myself is why did I stay with him? WHY DID I LET HIM BECOME THE FATHER OF MY CHILD? I guess we all make dumb decisions at some point!
Welcome to the My Child's Father is A _____ Club!:(

We used to have anual gatherings in Hawaii, however we are having trouble finding an island with enough lodging for everyone and might have to skip this year:p
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