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Holidays I Celebrate and STBX Does Not

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Senior Member
As to Pagan holidays...I am WELL aware that Yuletide is not a Christian holiday in origins.

That doesn't mean that there aren't specific religious ceremonies tied to it. Ones that a parent would want their child to be involved with.

Again, if dad is protecting something that is valid in his view...I'm all for it.

If not...why not swap with mom for another day that is non-work and non-school?

I would...and have.
That is the common sense approach to the OP's issue but in reality not all coparents use common sense:) The point is the reality of divorce means that kids will not ALWAYS be involved in EVERYTHING a parent wants and parents who truly want to "coparent" need to understand that one does not always get their way and should not think about getting their way. OP's kids will spend some part of Xmas and Xmas eve with her, she agreed to it with Dad and now wants something very different. If Dad agreed to the mod, hey all is well and good, since he is not, OP wants to fight this fight using some justification of her newly found belief system.. sounds like an OP issue of wanting her way much more than what is "right for the kids"...



thanks silver. it's not a topic of conversation because many get offended, but i think it is interesting as well.

i don't go there very often.

it's simple enough to google 'pagan origins + christmas' or some such.


Junior Member
Along those lines JJ....

Isn't Easter closer to what is estimated to Christ's birth? I vaguely remember my dad telling me once that Easter was the actual holiday to celebrate that. That we grew up celebrating Christmas only because it was a fun holiday and good time. It had no special religious meaning...Easter was different though.

That is strictly for my own curiosity.



easter has nothing to do with Christ. although, you may be correct on the timing of his birth, i have a messianic friend who tells me that he was born around june or july.

he proves it out scripturally but i don't remember it all.

easter is about the wife of nimrod (semiriaus or something like that) died, after she died an egg dropped from the heavens and she was re-born to give birth to tammuz, who is actually the person that 'christmas' is all about.

the egg is a pagan symbol of fertility, the rabbit the symbol of the act of fertilization and the holiday easter celebrates the goddess of fertility, tammuz's mother, Ishtar, Semmarius, Easter, she went by various names.

and, again, you can research this out by googling 'pagan roots of easter', but beware, it will definitly spoil any christian connections one has to this holiday.

which wouldn't be altogether a bad thing, maybe.

and, by the way...'wicca' is also a schmooze 'religion' as well. it was pieced together in the 40's by aleister crawley to give the 'modern woman' an 'ancient' religion that was really not a real religion at all but one created to steer women into an alternative lifestyle.

proveable. all proveable.

have a good day. i'm off to do some real life stuff.


Junior Member
you are absolutely right...which is why I only lean toward Wiccan spiritualism (that's about as close I can come to describing it)... I follow no prescribed dogma.

Thanks for the correction. I believe what you are referring to is a specific flower mentioned in the bible that was blooming when Christ was born. It grows during that time of the year. That's what I was told when I was told that December wasn't his birthday.

My family is non-denominational and it may be that he said it was the resurrection and I got it confused. I will check. Not to post here...just to know :)

Thanks...very interesting.


Easter Lilly

you are referencing the easter lilly that again, has no connection to Christ but is simply a tradition of man.

you can pm me if you want to continue this. it will be fun as long as no one gets offended.


Senior Member
you were thinking what you were TOLD to think.

which is probably why you are not a lawyer.
THAT was extremely rude and obviously YOU are all knowing but I can almost guarantee that at least 75% of the population believes the same. You said that you didnt mean to offend? Well, you just did. And I will gladly point out that you are no lawyer either.


Senior Member
THAT was extremely rude and obviously YOU are all knowing but I can almost guarantee that at least 75% of the population believes the same. You said that you didnt mean to offend? Well, you just did. And I will gladly point out that you are no lawyer either.
Congratulations upon your 1,000th post and promotion to Senior Member. :)

Please do not deliberately misunderstand JJ. She was clearly talking about trees and flowers and the religious meanings imbued to them.


Senior Member
Congratulations upon your 1,000th post and promotion to Senior Member. :)

Please do not deliberately misunderstand JJ. She was clearly talking about trees and flowers and the religious meanings imbued to them.
Well thanks for keeping such close watch on me--I would have never noticed--seriously. And I know we dont love each other at the moment :) but I do respect you SP.

If I did misunderstand JJ, I apologize. I posted that I thought Easter was about Christ's resurection and she posted a sorta crappy response. I thought she was responding to me. Sorry.



you did misunderstand, bowman, because that 'offend' thing was a directed towards the person WHO ASKED the question, not the population at large.

i responded to a SPECIFIC question, along the SPECIFIED lines of the question.

your interjection into a one on one conversation was, shall we say, rude.

you have obviously never considered and therefore never researched these holidays/ words/flowers/trees and the possibility of whether or not they had any signifigance in any other 'religion' and if so, what the signifigance was and, further, you never thought to push through to see if that possible significance would have any negative impact on what you THINK you believe.

because if you had you would not have made that obtuse statement that set you up for my response.

and trust me. if you don't have that mindset or that ability you would never make it as a lawyer. lawyers, by profession, must be able and prepared to argue, successfully, any side of a DISCUSSION dispassionately, objectively and convincingly.

some call it rude.

lawyers call it $ucce$$.



yet another misunderstanding

ok. apology accepted Ms. Jbowman.

but my lawyer observations stand. cuzz they be right.

no offense.


Queen Bee
Thus saith the LORD "learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: (this is the explanation that the following is NOT of the God of the bible) for one cutteth a tree of of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. (this is the fashioning of the tree so that it is in the approved shape)
The shape of what? A plank of wood.

They deck it with silver and with gold;

They paint it and make it look nice

(this is decorating of the tree)
In your opinion. IN my opinion this refers to fashioning it into a fancy siding for a house.

I]they fashion it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.[/I]
They nail the house so it stands up straight and doesn't fall down.

(this speaks of planks put on the bottom of the trunk so it can stand upright)
Nope. I disagree again. It is about building an ostentatious house.

Actually that could be talking about cutting lumber to shape into homes. But nice job making it to be about evergreens.
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