Junior Member
that's how it works in OUR reality.I would only like to say that in MY case, and EVERY OTHER case that I'm remotely familiar with, the standard advice that we give, and tell a parent that they ALWAYS have the right to just go pick up their child when they're not physically with the other parent is WRONG.
My ex routinely travels for work. I'm telling you right now, if I had EVER just shown up and picked up the girls from school on "his" time EVEN when I KNEW that he wouldn't be home for the duration of their stay with them, I would get SLAMMED HARD.
And even if I decided that my kids could spend every second of my 6 weeks in the summer with my Mom 2 hours away, if HE went there and just picked them up because, well, they're with a legal stranger... HE would get SLAMMED.
If it's my weekend and my sister picks them up from school and whisks them off for the weekend because I have plans or am out of town? He can't just go pick them up and insist on having them.
That just isn't the way it works in reality.
If there's no ROFR, then it really is NONE of the other parent's business AT ALL who, exactly, the kids are with on the other parent's time. The COURT presumes that the parents are both fit, and as such will choose to do what is in their child's best interests at all times - EVEN WHEN IT COMES TO CHOOSING A CAREGIVER in their absence.
in fact.. one of us would never send our daughter to stay with a family member or friend or anything without consulting the other.. we BOTH agree that we BOTH should know where our daughter is and who she's with at all times.. that may have to change in the future when she's a little older.. but for now.. it works.
we don't have a legal rofr agreement..
but that's basically the system that he and i have agreed to use. we have settled most of our issues outside of court.. we've both agreed that we don't want the court telling us how to raise our child and we've agreed on a set of rules that work for us..
so if i'm unable to pick our daughter up from school.. i call him BEFORE i ask my sister to do it to see if he's available.
if you disagree.. well.. you have a right to your opinion..