it was answered twice and i thank you for your answers, however the person who asked the original question continued to ask what are my concerns for my child... so i felt the need to reiterate that my concern is allowing my child to spend three nights away from home with someone that i don't know very well..
also, for anyone who is interested.. pending a conversation with my suddenly unreachable ex, i believe that we're going to handle this weekend as follows..
playdates with the children at the park on saturday.. a second play date at their house on sunday afternoon.. so that i have plenty of time to talk to new step mom. (who i already like better simply because she was understanding and agreed that she wouldn't send her children with someone she didn't know either)!!
then my ex will keep our daughter for a long weekend.. thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday.. then resume our regular schedule.
sound fair? i think so..