Being new to this site, I do not know how to navigate (respond to certain posts) as well as "the seniors" do. My comment on spewing hatred goes to all of the, as you call yourselves "child advocates" who claim to be interested in the safety of children, but use attack methods as a way of trying to force people to "understand" your cause. It in not necessary for me to understand your views of your cause or agree with you. In fact, I strongly dissagree with your methods. It simply does not work. People who come on this site, do so looking for help. And your tactics of attack, put people on defense and prohibits their finding the help they are seeking.
If your heart is true in the love of children, then you should be reaching out to these parents with love and guide them to professional resources that will help them to understand what needs to be done to help their children.
In a moment of weakness, I came to this site. I realize now, that was a mistake. My family needs help that promotes love and healing, not shame and attack.
I do admire you passion, however I think you and your buds should call a meeting and re-dedicate your selves to being a positive force in child advocacy. You could make a difference in the lives of many children if you were to help people by offering to guide them to reliable resources for the help they are seeking.
With that being said, you all can put your little minds to rest knowing that my daughter is "safe". Now, I must go speak to my sons attorney, because despite being the "shameful" mother you try to make me out to be, I do love him the same way I love my daughter AND will fight, with that same love, to protect his future, just as I do hers.