sisymay said:
To AngelMyst,, did your dd have a 504 plan in all those years she was struggling? 504 plan is for someone just like her. I know that if a school does not let parents know this help is available, the parents don't know about it. Wow, seems like they would have said something about helping her with a 504 instead of what did happen.
She did not have a plan until the very end of last year, until that point they felt she was not eligible. The school had copies of the results of her ADHD testing, in fact 3 of her teachers were asked during the testing to submit questionaires based on thier observations so it was documented that she was severely ADHD, but her standardized testing scores were well above average, she was never a disciplinary problem, nor was she ever disruptive. She was coopertive and participated, and on assignments that were completed during the class period and handed in before leaving she did well. Based on that, especially the standardized testing, they determined that she was not eligible. Instead they decided she just didn't care or want to and wasn't trying, and concentrated on trying to modify her behavior. Those determinations were made in Junior High, and since their "teams" follow them through all 3 years, so did that opinion. They made their decision and since it was their decision they did not feel a need to re-examine it.
Last year, when she moved into high school and started going downhill there was a bit of chaos, apparently no records of what we had gone through followed her. They had nothing on record of her being ADHD, of her hospitalization for depression, or anything. I spent hours on the phone with teachers and administrators explaining it all, rehashing the last 3 years, until I blew a fuse, everyone seemed concerned, but no one was talking to each other. After that her guidance councilor decided she did not have time to deal with my daughter with what was involved and passed us on to another. Which was the turning point.