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Day Care!!! Help!!!

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Adding anything more to this post is probably ludicrous, however, I just want to point out to the original poster that he is angry at his ex- for two conflicting things....

"Because my ex is a lazy S.O.B. means that a hard working father like me has to pay her for this..Give me a break....I busted my rear end to get a job like this..Its not my fault she was too dumb or lazy not to get one as good or better...I feel like you are all persecuting me cuz im not paying her this astronomical amount of money...."

And then repeatedly complains that she wants to put them in daycare and work more? Which thing did you want? It seems apparent to me that she didn't work except part time when you were together because the two of you agreed that she should be at home with the kids (an assumption on my part, but not a big one). Perhaps the reason that she doesn't have a better paying job is not because she was lazy or stupid, but because she was denied the opportunity?

Get over the fact that you were left for a woman and move on.


Senior Member
Why oh why do ex-couples feel the need to call their ex bad names? For your children's sake, have respect for the other parent. You decided to marry this person AND procreate with that person.....for some many many times over. Just because some fail their marriage doesn't mean you have to bad mouth the other parent of your own flesh and blood.

What is so bad with day care for kids, especially when you can afford it?
I know of kids that spent their entire childhood at home and had a hard time socializing with other kids when they had to start school. Your kids aren't going to suffer and become damaged by spending time with other kids. I would never keep my kids looked up at home with only themselves to play with. That's really unhealthy for children, they need to learn how to relate to others because they can't spend their entire lives at home and not interact with anyone else. Or they can, and end up really disturbed. I'd gladly pay half of day care to avoid that.

I'm sorry, I guess I just don't see what the problem is. If this is something easily afforded(which has been established), then what does 5 or 30 days matter? It's something fun for the kids to experience, which they shouldn't be denied if they have apparently gone through a bitter divorce by their parents.

Please think of the kid's best interest and not the ex's worst.


Senior Member
I know this thread is over a year old,( even though it was resurrected.), but after reading the posts, about day care costs, I am just in the mood to put my two cents worth in:
The original poster, and any other NCP who complains about paying for daycare should realize that it could be worse- they could be forced to pay daycare and health insurance for the CP's other children besides their own.
It happened to my husband:
His ex has 3 other kids (not my husband's, they have two other fathers). Even though ex was sent instructions on how to fill out financial affidavit form, ex insisted on listing other kids' expenses- daycare, insurance, etc. without making note that total was for all 5 kids(her 3, my husband's 2).
My husband should not have been charged anything for daycare(his youngest was 16) and he should have been charged only 2/5 of the total cost of insurance.
My husband tried to point out the problems about her F.A. and other kids to
the judge, but the judge refused to listen, after the third time he threatened to send my husband to jail for contempt if he opened his mouth 1 more time about it. My husband was the charged the full amounts- therefore he was not only supporting his own kids, but hers as well!
Of course, his ex learned alot that day, so the next modification she did exactly the same thing, but thank God, that time there was an honest fair judge, and she did not get away with it again.
Well, I just needed to vent a little, and at the same time hopefully remind NCP's that complain about their kids' expenses, that IT COULD BE WORSE.

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