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Day Care!!! Help!!!

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VeeGee - you have it all wrong i dont mind responses but you call what hex said appropriate? Look back at his first post to...it was quite rude wasnt it? if someone answered you that way i don't think you would be happy...

You are the one who said to work 2 jobs if need be......

Im not angry of who my ex is with..I got rid of her...If i wanted to be with her id of stayed with her....So dont post about something you know nothing about..TY



Yes mp......working 50 hrs a wk is alot and plenty. But your so angry your not reading what anyone is posting. I said I worked a full time job and a part time job when I got divorced just so my kids got what they wanted. They are grown now, and I'm still working...but for different reasons ( like a new home). I can't keep going on this merry-go-round posts...I'm getting dizzy lol. You have to stop worrying about what your ex does unless of course it's jeapardizing the welfare of your children.


Well Hex not everyone is as fortunate as you with money..
Now you made me laugh. Fortunate? O.K. my child, pull up a seat and I'll tell you a bedtime story.

I was born on a 10-acre farm in Arkansas. My first babysitter was an old black family with 12 children because my grandmother and mother had to work to earn $100 a week. There were five of us with my two brothers.

I got my first job at 12 picking tomatoes and chopping cotton. Ya, I was fortunate. After I graduated high school at 15 I worked in Washington D.C. and earned a whopping $75 a week from which I paid taxes and Unemployment insurance. My takehome was $43 a week in 1972.

After the Air Force I went to college on a Disabled Veterans Pension and completed 220 hours, three majors and two minors in three years.

And the life got really interesting. I spent two weeks in a county jail on possession of 1/4 lb of cocaine. I became an alcoholic and was looking at the rest of my life in jail until a small little lady attorney took me aside and told me in a very sweet voice "GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER!!!!!"

Well, after getting out of jail with no job and no self-respect and spending three months living under a bridge in Little Rock, Arkansas (it's the railroad bridge just off I-30) I decided I was tired of blaming the rest of the world for what I was and who I had become.

Since that time I have worked every day of my life, taken only only one vacation ( to get married) and have worked for the NSA, coached Professional Basketball in Europe, and had a great career which allowed me to cash in some stock and live the rest of my life without ever having to work again.

But guess what? I'm working every day of my life and enjoying it. And I live on what I earn.

I said it before and I'll repeat it. Don't throw stones at rubber walls.

Fortunate? Yes I am. I'm fortunate for being alive. I'm fortunate that I have two beautiful daughters who love me. I'm fortunate I can wake up in the morning and not crave a drink, a joynt or a line of cocaine.

But most of all I'm fortunate I am alive. And that, buddy boy, has nothing to do with money.


okay mp...I did say work 2 jobs IF NEED BE only. If you don't have to then don't. Yes, if someone said something harsh to me I too would be pissed. But you also have to read what YOU post too. Maybe Hex was responding to what he heard you say?


Well in my opinion what shes doing with my kids is unhealthy but thats my opinion....Thats a whole other story...

oh well we can end this all now cuz we arent getting anywhere



Don't let them make you feel bad for not sharing their ideology. Just because something (apparently) worked for them does not mean that it works for everyone. Only you know what is best for you and your children. And you have a right to disagree with what is said even if you posted the original question. These are not legal answers that we are giving you that have an absolute right or wrong answer. These are moral and ethical opinions. We are not experts and we are not better than you. Sometimes we forget that this. I admit I am guilty of moralizing to some people who I think don't have high enough standards of ethics. But, I try not to be really insulting about it and I am not going to stop because I think that promotes discussion and thought, but in the end everyone has to make their own decisions. Good luck to you and your children.


Hex thanks for the life story but tell someone who cares...i have no pity for a felon and/or a druggie..you got what you deserved and you paid your dues....Im glad living under a bridge helped u out...How about telling me why u are divorced...Maybe cuz of your attitude???


you really are an idiot aren't you? o.k. mr wonderful point to anywhere in my post where I said I was a felon. Where I said I was convicted of a crime.

I think I know now why you didn't like my response. Maybe it hit too close to home.


Is that what you teach your children. That if someone is charged with a crime they are guilty? So why don't we just do away with the judicial branch of government and hang all the druggies, drunks, gays (hey, in some parts of this county being in a gay relationship is illegal), blacks, oh and everyone you don't like.

my wouldn't the world then be such a wonderful place.


Under the Radar Member
mpfups said:
Vee Gee - She did try ALIMONY (Spousal Support) and was DENIED do you all not read my posts?!?
Forgive us for not going back and reading each of them, and also for not remembering every detail of your situation. That's why we ask people to KEEP THEIR THREADS TOGETHER!


Senior Member
Ok after reading this on and on I feel I have to put my 2 cents worth in here.

Although, mp, I don't think it would hurt you to split the day care bill with her if she is going to work and has to work, I do see your point. I do think some others here are being harsh. I also think there is more to being a good parent than a lot of money or not enough. The two have nothing to do with each other. Not everyone makes loads of money and has a hard enough time living on thir own to figure in added expenses above CS.

If one of the main issues is your agreement on the kids not going to daycare, you have to realize that was when there was one income and one set of bills. Now according to you there are two sets of bills and still one income. Obviously your child support is not enough to provide for her and the kids so she is having to do what she has to do. You have to respect her trying to make an effort.

It's going to come down to what is easier or more important to you. A) the kids not going to daycare and worry about them eating and having a roof over thier head OR B) the kids going to daycare and knowing they are provided for OR C) the kids not going to daycare and you coming up with the other option or the extra money needed for them to live on. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

As much as I agree that some others have been harsh and obviously have problems of thier own to work out. There was a couple of valid points in some of the posts.



I don't know if you are still reading this or not, but if you are, can you clarify something? Is your ex just changing her hours or is she increasing them? Is she actually increasing her income so she can provide for your children or will the hours change actually hurt the budget due to more expenses (daycare) on the same income?


The Other - My ex is changing her hours from night to day....BUT its only for the summer not permenetly....I was given less than 5 days notice of this & then was threatened by her that if i didnt give her half the $$$ shed take me to court....According to my lawyer I have right to first refusal,& she has to give me way more notice than 5 days about her schedule change....She had ample enough time to bring this up in court but never did....The hours shes doing at her job are temporary, like a trial run to see if her place of business can afford to give her full time..No gurantees....

Now all of a sudden my kids tell me that this fly by night daycare isnt going to happen cuz mysteriously they dont have enough people signed up for it?!? Don't that sound fishy?!? It was all fishy from the start & that was my beef but no one seemed to understand...

All i wanted was opinion from people on here..Not crucified..Cant anyone ask a simple question & get a simple answer..Not trashed by an idiot named Hex?? He acts like every man needs to walk in his shoes to be a good father..Give me a break...My girl are 8 & 5 respectively..I dont need no help fathering them..Ive done quite a good job considering my oldest is getting straight A's & my youngest is above her level...Also my kids never want to leave my house to go back with their mom...If that doesnt tell you something i dont know what will....

I just hope that Hex & other people on here dont jump down everyones throat like they did to me....


awwwww poor baby....want me to sing you a lullaby?

you never said in your original post that things sounded "Fishy" so don't try this bull sympathy now....

Or can't you read what you yourself wrote...you sure as heck can't spell.

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